Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Sunday

My Companions: Let us pray that "our hearts burn within us" as we reflect on Jesus' words in the Breaking of the Bread.
Birthdays: Mark Ross (3/29), Michael Olson (3/29), Adam Olson (4/3), Dani Schnitzer (4/4).

Keeping-in-touch: We're just enjoying some lovely spring weather and the beautiful liturgies of the Triduum.

The Readings: Easter Sunday, The Resurrection of the Lord, The Mass of Easter Day

Comments on the readings: Easter Sunday, Fr Foley: "The greatest of all Easter truths is this: God’s love is stronger than life itself, stronger than death."
My Comments: These readings of the women and apostles running to the empty tomb, the first encounters of the Risen Lord and especially the disciples on the road to Emmaus become our story and vision.  We can live as an Easter People.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

My Companions: Let us pray for all who have experienced suffering at the hands of leaders who do not know the awesome love of God (or they would never hurt others) as we read the Passion this weekend and week.  "Lord, help us know the exploding love of Father, Son and Spirit."  Also please continue to pray for all the companions on our list, especially Nancy, Dan, Judi and Donna.  And I've added Sr. Peg: thanksgiving for relief after back surgery and continued healing.  "And Lord, help us to see the windows You open for us to thrive and serve."

Birthdays: Karen Carnegie (3/22), Rachel (Kobza) Varra (3/23), Sallie Dembeck (3/23), me (3/24).

Keeping-in-touch: I'm really late... "the hurrier I go the behinder I get."  My trip to the City of Angels and the Town of Mickey Mouse went well.  I basked in the gracious hospitality of Lacey and Chris and saw some moments of sun on a sea with surf!  I enjoyed meeting new, potential, partners and returned home exhausted.

Comments on the readings: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, Fr Foley: "All leadership has service at its root." 
My Comments: The Easter Story helps me live life to the full.  But this tough, tough weekend with its praise and passion shows the "not yet fulfilled" reality of our life in Christ.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fifth Sunday of Lent

My Companions: Let us pray for our leaders, "help us make decisions, Lord, that reflect Your love and Your will."  "Lord, bless all on our lists who need to know your glory as they struggle will health or other personal issues."  "And teach us to see as You see, to forgive and to accept forgiveness." "May Your glory shine through us as we love one another."

Birthdays: Charlie Stevens (3/17), Lindsay Smith (3/17), Trish Buckley (3/17), Rick Dunn (3/17), Robert Weed (3/18), Chrisy DeBaar (3/19)

Keeping-in-touch: This will be a big week with my travel (so I can't put writing off to the last minute).  The girls had a wonderful time in San Jose' and Nate did great: they're already making other plans.

The Readings: 5rd Sunday of Lent Year C Woman caught in adultery (our reflection),  An other choice Year A Lazarus (RCIA)

Comments on the readings: 5th Sunday of Lent: Fr. Foley, Year C: "They have him in the snare, this dreamer who always preaches about forgiveness and love?"  Year A: Lazarus Story
My Comments: None of us are ready "to cast the first stone," but how many times do we find ourselves in a crowd ready to condemn others?  If we really knew Jesus' "look of love," might we, more often, share that love with "other sinners"?

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Karen and Dan

Karen and Dan Gravelyn married March 4, 2010
Please keep them in your prayers.  Here are some of Karen's words:

Thanks Uncle John and Aunt Margaret!

We had a wonderful wedding day. It was everything we could have hoped for under our circumstances. I am really glad you guys got to meet Dan this summer when you were in Michigan.

Thanks also for the prayers and positing it on your blog. I like to read the page so keep sending it to me!

I am lucky to have this time with Dan and we will just keep praying for more time. He's a great man and I am lucky to be able to be married to him.

Good to hear from you guys! We will talk soon!

Love you both.


4th Sunday of Lent

My Companions: I have prayers of thanksgiving for the help I received this week when the hard drive on my computer died: Gary Carnegie helped me install a new hard drive and upload my back-up (from 2/2) and Ramon Cuevas recovered some very important files from the old drive.  Fr. Ed Poehlmann continues to ask for our prayers that he will not have to close his school.  Our list continues to grow...

Birthdays: John Lay (my nephew) 3/10.

Keeping-in-touch: Marge will travel with Lori Beth and Nathan to participate in a baby shower for Julie in San Jose' and when she returns, I will head for "the city of angels" to attend a religious education congress.  My Regis classes, helping care for Nate and work on the Emmaus project keeps me more than busy.

The Readings: 3rd Sunday of Lent

Comments on the readings4th Sunday of Lent: Fr. Foley:  "I love you because you are precious to me, not because you never sin."
My Comments: Who do you relate to most easily in the parable of the father who had two sons: the father, the older son or the younger son?

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sam Eccher (3/6/10)

Sam Eccher
My colleague and friend Sam Eccher died last night.  I knew him as the lively writing consultant who needed "just five minutes of your class time to share my services for your students."  He loved his students and helped many with writing skills they had missed or forgotten.

He knew everyone at Regis and probably forgot more of the history of the place than I'll ever know.

Please keep this wonderful man and his family in your prayers.  I suspect he may be crossing the Ts and dotting the Is with Jesus today.

I'll put a link to more information HERE (link to obituary). A Memorial Mass for Sam will be Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. at the St. John Francis Regis Chapel.

Blessings,    John

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Third Sunday of Lent

My Companions: Pray that everyone will accept the love of God.  Pray for Dan.  And Pray for Sam. (see the comments for this week, I appreciate the email that helps us know the need for prayer of our "companions"... Patrick and Marietta Linney, Sam's daughter).  Pray we will give an extra effort to help living things bear good fruit.

Birthdays: a blank calendar this week!

Keeping-in-touch: March came in like a lamb in Denver-land.  The weekend filled-up with networking activities (Living the Catholic Faith Conference) and a celebration of life (Pat O'Donnell's).  Nathan has a couple teeth and John's planned a trip to LA (and will be graciously be received by SCC people).

The Readings: 3rd Sunday of Lent

Comments on the readings: 3rd Sunday of Lent: Fr. Foley: "Yet what if Jesus is not the owner but the gardener in the parable?"
My Comments: These readings challenged me: how much can I tend to the garden or tree that produces no fruit?

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
