Monday, May 25, 2015

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

My Companions pray with me: Lord, may we praise You and bring You glory as we live in Your love. Forgive us for not sharing Your "Community of Love" as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Thank You for all the gifts we have received, especially the companions we have who support and challenge us. And we humbly ask for your continued grace and blessings especially for the sick and poor in our world and neighborhoods  . Amen

Companion Events: Birthdays: Michael Ross (5/26), Eloise Georgian (5/29), Anniversaries: Fr. Ed Poehlmann (5/27/1967), Nancy and Tom Neihart (5/29/1971)In memoriam: Fr Harry Hoewischer SJ (5/18/2015)

Keeping In-touch: A Facebook friend summed-up the week with, "...rain, rain, go away; come back when we need it." Even though we receive the most rain in May, we usually see much more of the sun. We canceled our first camping trip due to the rain and illness. Marge recovers, slowly, from her pneumonia; I thank the Lord for antibiotics and for all your prayers.

Decision Point: Decision Point...Get Close and Stay Close

The Readings: The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity 

Some CommentaryFr. John Foley, S. J. 

My comments and an invitation for your comments:  
The Ultimate Mystery of the Holy Trinity humbles us and we kneel in praise. How wonderful that Jesus revealed to us that God is Lover, Beloved, and The Love between them: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

Comments, Reflections, Insights...

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Pentecost Sunday

My Companions pray with me: Lord, in Your Holy Spirit we will bring You glory. Have mercy on our failure to respond you Your awesome gifts. Thank You for all the gifts we have received. And please provide for all we need, especially for all those on our prayer lists. Amen

Companion Events: AnniversariesAurdy and Vern Rapp (5/19/1951), Kathy and Mike DePriest (5/22/1982). In memoriamGerald Klaus (5/18/1987), Gary Dixon (5/20/2009), Mike Norton (5/21/1987), Thomas Dildine (5/22/2010)

Keeping In-touch: We were blessed with more sunny days. I played more tennis but Marge still fights to recover from her cold. We're looking forward to our first camping trip in the next couple days and the kick-off of Summertime in the Rockies.

Decision Point: Decision Point...The Power of the Eucharist

The Readings: Pentecost Sunday 

Some CommentaryFr. John Foley, S. J. 

My comments and an invitation for your comments:  
Let us celebrate the birthday of the Church and listen to the Truth that the Holy Spirit leads us to know.

Comments, Reflections, Insights...

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Solemnity of the Ascension

My Companions pray with me: Lord, may we honor You as we appreciate the Ascension. Forgive us for failing to notice Your love and Your power among us. Thank You for all Your gifts. And please provide for all our needs, especially the needs of our companions who request our prayers. Amen

Companion Events: Bithdays: Carmen Albiniak (5/12), Matthew Peterson (5/15), Pat Backes (5/15)  AnniversaryKatie and Jim Frodl (5/11/2007).

Keeping In-touch: Marge has had a cough that's debilitating her and we've had a week of rain and snow: Spingtime in the Rockies! I have not played tennis in over a week...getting grumpy. But we have a promise of sunny days ahead.

Decision Point: Decision Point...the True Presence

The Readings: The Solemnity of the Ascension 

Some CommentaryFr. John Foley, S. J. 

My comments and an invitation for your comments:  
God is not confined to a time or a place. Sometimes our literal imaginations fail to serve us. We may imagine Jesus shooting into the heavens like a booster staged rocket... not to be seen or experienced. How do you imagine the Ascension of Jesus? And how does your image impact the way you live, your memories, and your expectations?

Comments, Reflections, Insights...

Monday, May 4, 2015

Sixth Sunday of Easter

My Companions pray with me: Lord, may we honor You as we act in life-giving ways. Your mercy heals us and makes us holy. Thank You for all Your gifts. And please provide for all our needs, especially the needs of our companions who request our prayers. Amen

Companion Events: Bithdays: Willy Smith (5/5), Molly Norton (5/6), Sharon McKay (5/7), Pat Norton (5/8), Chris McDermott (5/8), Mike Hennigan (5/3), Tom Reynolds (5/3).  Anniversary: Al and Teresa Hardy (5/2/1987). In memoriam: Leander Lay (5/6/1975), Gloria Prymak (5/9/2014).

Keeping In-touch: We enjoyed our "fast and furious" trip to Chicago-land to participate in Steve and Ashley's wedding. Three of our grandchildren helped "Great Papa Eddie" plant his tomatoes. We were blessed with beautiful Spring days.

Decision Point: Decision Point...the Eucharist

The Readings: Sixth Sunday of Easter

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.

My comments and an invitation for your comments: 
I enjoy compliments when I receive them; but, like St. Peter, I know I should always point to the grace of God for anything I can do for good! I'm just a man; any good I do is from the grace of God.

Comments, Reflections, Insights...