Thursday, February 25, 2010

Second Sunday of Lent

My Companions: Please pray with me for my sister, Judi, who is back in the hospital with pneumonia; Judi's daughter, Molly; Karen Norton's friend, Dan, who is undergoing cancer treatments in Seattle; Marge's friend, Nancy Fitzgibbons, also undergoing cancer treatments and everyone on our list.  Pray for our leaders, may they serve selflessly and choose the good.  Lord, help all of us to know Your Will and do it.

Birthdays: Tony Gulmantovicz (2/22), Michele Lay (2/23) and Mitch Ross (2/23)

Keeping-in-touch: We took a trip to visit our daughter, Megan, and her family in Lincoln.  Julianne and Charlie fill the room with energy; we enjoyed watching them in all their activities, especially watching Julianne climb to the top of the climbing wall at the Y for the first time!  We were blessed with good roads and "a night on the town" with Grandma Kobza (Mass at St Joseph's and dinner at the Village Inn!).  Otherwise, we work and watch Nate.

Comments on the readings: 2nd Sunday of Lent: Fr. Foley: "Jesus was the very love God had offered for so many centuries. But he was also the people’s loving response, since he was completely a human being."
My Comments: Maybe, at times, were just like Peter: we think we should "build a tent" to remember Jesus in glory rather than re-member Jesus in our celebration of life and service to others!

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

1st Sunday of Lent

My Companions: Please pray with me for my colleague, Patrick O'Donnell.  Pat passed to meet the Lord on Monday; I'm thankful for the times we shared.  Many still struggle in our economic environment so, thank you Lord for the gifts we have, give us the wisdom to make good choices, and may all our words and deeds bring You glory.

Birthdays: Lori Beth (Lay) Gulmantovicz (2/14), Matthew Lay (2/16)

Keeping-in-touch: We watched the fantastic athletes in the Olympics and enjoyed all the pageantry of the opening ceremonies.  We quietly celebrated the birthdays of our son and daughter and wonder where all the years have gone.  Life is busy... even when you can't put your finger on why!

The Readings: 1st Sunday of Lent

Comments on the readings: 1st Sunday of Lent: Fr. Foley: "Jesus needed to ponder this stunning message. He had to listen in silence and with an openness so holy that it would seem almost like emptiness. So he went to the desert."
My Comments: Jesus would not fall for the temptations of riches, power or fame; may the time we spend in prayer and our efforts to build good habits this Lent bring us closer to God who knows and loves us more than we know and love our very selves.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: We can rejoice in our prayer for new life: Elijah John Lynch (my cousin, Jim Lay's 1st grandchild; born to Cherl and Emmanul Thursday evening).  Send out prayers of compassion at the passing of Gloria Torrence (Deacon John Smith's sister who finished her fight with cancer this week).  Continue with all our previous requests listed at the left side of our blog, especially Elnora, Pat and Donna.

Birthdays: none on my calendar this week

Keeping-in-touch: About all that's happening is trying to make the business work, my college teaching and Nathan!

The Readings Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Comments on the readings Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Fr. Foley: "...blessed are you if you stay empty, if you become a spacious home for God, for other human beings, for the long-suffering earth."

My Comments: How blessed are we, when we know we need Our Lord!

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Let us continue to pray for relief for the poor people of Haiti. Please remember those in "our network" who are sick: especially Pat O'Donnell, Madelaine Lumpp, Donna Farrell (esp. Feb 2nd, tomorrow), Nancy Fitzgibbons and Helen Luckett (Ed's Mother). Please pray with me, in thanksgiving, for the gracious reception I received from Deacon John Freund, my cousin Jim Lay and Fr James Dixon, on my travels to Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiania.  I also ask the Lord's blessing on Msgr. Bob Amundsen who sees our vision and supports us. Continue to pray for Dan (Karen Norton's friend) and guide the doctors to find a cure for him.  Help all who suffer from depression.

Birthdays: Ed Lay (my Pa) 1/27, Mary Ellen (Lay) Olson 1/29, Colleen Weed 1/30, Mike DePreist 2/1, and Ed Luckett 2/2.

Keeping-in-touch: I have missed two weeks of encouraging us to prepare for the liturgy but I had a wonderful time visiting my Pa on his 85th birthday!  We had wonderful celebrations with my sibblings and Pa supported me as I took my The Emmaus Institute "dog & pony show" through Chicago-land.  I enjoyed the tennis "down under" and even played a few sets...(at home/not Lombard!!).

The Readings Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Comments on the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Fr. Foley: “What is your attitude toward worthiness?"
My Comments: I wonder how I'm call to be "a fisher of persons."  I so appreciate the example of my Pa who served at "the Pantry" and at "the ol' folks home."  I know I am not worthy, but I pray the Lord's light will shine through me.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.