Monday, January 26, 2009

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions:
This was a busy week and we have much to celebrate and new prayer needs: Bill and Lindsay Smith became grandparents again. Bella Claire Foresman joined the family of Haley, Eddie and little Gracie weighing-in at 6 lbs 4 oz and 18 ¼ inches; everyone’s doing well. Renee and Nic Lumpp participated in liberation of slave girls in Cambodia and will return to Colorado this week (see: ). And we have more needs for healing: Randy Lumpp’s feet, Tom Duggan’s head (the outside: needs a skin graft but doctors think they cut out the skin cancer), Dan Gleason’s fractured wrist (car accident), Allan Service’s recovery from a stroke and Lindsay Smith’s larynx troubles her and is keeping her from singing. Please pray for the gift of an adopted child for Tony and Lori Beth (don’t know why I haven’t had this on this blog). Remember all those who experience anxiousness in these fragile economic times when we try to be good stewards of the gifts given to us, especially my Pa and my friend Bill. Pray for our new leaders and know the Lord can work through all of us. Birthdays this week: My Pa, Edmund, and my sister, Mary Ellen Olson.

It’s no wonder we will enter February 2009 when we assemble to celebrate these readings: the week sped bye! We enjoyed excellent tennis weather (70s) but winter has returned to the Front Range. The celebrations of Fr. Dwyer’s life called us to an increase in faith: Fr. Ed Poehlmann proclaimed good news and fond memories at a time of loss. I sent out my first invitations for support of The Emmaus Institute and have received two promises to purchase subscriptions. A couple of my Old Testament Course Evaluators, Jessica and Lauren, have given me some good insight. Marge and I took a leap of faith (that I will find opportunities to serve and apply my skill): we made our flight reservations with Connie and Alan for our planned trip to Spain in June!

The Readings:

Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley: “…God will remain with you no matter what, and that his gentle heart will banish all fear.”
My Reflections: We really live in a time of fear and this economy gives us much reason to tremble (I added names of those looking for work in our intentions). I hope we can come together in Christ, not allow our hearts to be hardened and serve one another in these stressful times. Let’s work to light candles rather than curse the darkness!

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions:
We have two more advocates “on the other side”: Alan Kobza’s Aunt and Godmother, Sylvia Dalka, died last week and below you see the notice of Fr Denny Dwyer’s passing. Otherwise, I’ve not heard much new. I did fail to make note of two birthdays last week: Cullen Stevens and Mary Norton (sorry, hope you celebrated well). I have only one this week, Molly Komon.

I kept very busy last week, Marge spent the week in Lincoln with the grandchildren and their parents. (Marge hitched a ride with Alan and Connie as they traveled to attend Aunt Sylvia’s funeral). To my Bride's astonishment, I somehow survived! I caught up on a couple items on the “honey do list” and hung-out with Joan and Gary. We’ve enjoyed temperatures in the 60s, so the tennis is good. I’m having a little trouble “quieting myself” in prayer… gotta let the Lord take over!

The Readings:
Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle

Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley: “Let’s listen in quiet, and then, by following, learn what we have heard”
My Reflections: When I think of the response of the Apostles to Jesus’ call I can’t help but wonder if they had any idea of what they were getting into! And when I reflect on Jonah’s resistance I think of the (very few) people with whom I would rather not associate… maybe I’m called in a special way to show love to them. Think about how much energy it would take “to be on fire” like St Paul!

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fr Denny Dwyer goes before us in the sign of faith..

See the article in the Denver post:

Rosary 7 p.m. Tuesday at Our Lady of Lourdes, 2250 S. Logan St. Burial mass at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Ave Maria, 9056 E. Parker Road.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions:
Again this week I have heard mainly good news from my companions: My brother’s daughter brought new life into this world. Jack Lawrence Parise was born on Jan 7th; Mama and baby are doing well. My Bride tells me that her sister, Mary Weed, is doing well; we still pray for a miracle in 2009. And Dad tells me that my sister, Judi Cole, recovers nicely and restlessly desires to leave the hospital. And Melanie writes that Mike is recovering; now they search for the cause of his illness. Barb Howard’s mother was hospitalized so add her to your prayer. On a more somber, difficult but, in some ways beautiful note, Fr Denny Dwyer received his last dialysis treatment on Friday and, reportedly, celebrates his life with family and friends: he receives and delivers encouragement in the Lord.

If you can believe it, I played golf, in Broomfield, with Jim Green on Thursday, Jan 8th (the temperature reached sixty degrees… but not for long). I began my spiritual exercises and should begin more physical exercise, although Mike Depriest and I took a licking from our sons on the tennis court on Saturday. I had a wonderful meeting with Barb Howard concerning how The Emmaus Institute could serve small church communities; I’m anxious to work with her. And we received encouragement from the people at both St Mary’s Press and Loyola Press. My Regis classes have begun for the New Year, so we’re off and running.

The Readings:

Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley: Jesus says to each of us, “Do you sense in your insides a kind voice whispering your invitation, calling you by your real name, calling you to be best friends with the Christ of God?”
My Reflections: The readings for Sunday, and my struggle to pray more ardently, challenge me to quiet myself and hear God’s call for me. We live in such a busy, noisy world; how can we imagine that we will hear God’s call. Like you, I’m trying to do the best work I can. And the Lord will probably not call us in thunder but in a quiet whisper that we will hardly hear if we do not take time to quiet our hearts. This weekend I encourage you to take an extra moment, before all the activities and celebrations of the assembly to quiet your heart and listen to the whisper of the Lord calling your name.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Monday, January 5, 2009

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

My Companions:
The good news from my companions is: Kim told me that Gary Dixon had some very good days over the break; Dad told me that Judi Cole is responding to treatment; and Don told me that his father-in-law, Les, may come home from the hospital today. Please keep all of them in your prayers, along with the others on our list. More challenging: Fr. Ed Poehlmann told me that Fr. Denny Dwyer may be moved to hospice this week… this challenges us to reflect on our own mortality, celebrate the life we have been given and look forward to the fullness of the resurrection.
Maybe you noticed some changes in this blog. If you add yourself as a “Follower” this may encourage and inspire all of us as we prepare for the assembly each week and pray for one another. I see only one birthday on my calendar: Dave Debaar [remember daughter Anna Margaret and her heart surgery? She running ‘round like a little red head ought to do. Good News from all your prayer (see Aug 4, 2008)].

We rang out the 2008 with a gracious gift theater tickets from Audrey, Jim’s Aunt, and enjoyed a wonderful evening with Kim and Jim. I played five sets of tennis on the 2nd as we enjoyed 60 degree weather before the sub-freezing temps arrived. Marge started the New Year a little under the weather. We’ve put the Christmas decorations away and enjoy the lengthening of days! Fr. Eustace has agreed to direct me in the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises so I expect 2009 to bring renewal in faith and enthusiasm.

The Readings:

Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley: Jesus says to each of us, “You are my beloved; in you I am well pleased.”
My Reflections: In the baptism of Jesus we have the witness of the God of Love: three persons in One God: Lover, Beloved, and Love; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This witness tells us who we are and how we fit in the world as members of the Body of Christ.
You may have heard of the terrible events at the Eldora Ski Resort last week (,2933,474440,00.html).
A more detailed account of the event speaks to a witness in our day: A man shot into the ceiling, Brian Mahon walked into the room and asked what’s up? The man yelled, “who is a Christian?” Brian Mahon replied, “I’m a Catholic.” The man fatally shot Brian in the head and the chest.
I would hope that I could be “convicted by a heavenly court” by my witness to Our Lord of Love, but I can not imagine how I would react to a crazed, fundamentalist with a gun. Brian must enjoy the fullness of an encounter with the Lord today. He must be among the Saints who have gone before us.
As we prepare to celebrate the witness of the Baptism of Jesus, let’s pray for Brian’s wife and children and reflect on our participation in the life of Christ into Whom we have been baptized.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
