Monday, September 28, 2009

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

God made them male and female.

For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother

and be joined to his wife,

and the two shall become one flesh.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Cullen’s grandmother, Willalee Haris died (9/10); she had just moved to Lincoln to live closer to the Stevens families.

Birthdays Kristine Lay(9/23), Eric Olson (9/25) Anniversaries: Don & Kris Lay (9/20), Mary & Chuck Olson (9/23).

Keeping-in-touch: Summer came to an abrupt end, we even lit the fireplace… this happens every year! I’m traveling so the update has only the basics this week.

Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley: “…if we listen to the gentle soul within us, the Holy Spirit’s dwelling place, we will come home to the presence of the One, and the ones, who love us.”
My Comments: Would that we all listen to the Lord’s voice and share God’s will with all the people we encounter!

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: We have much for which to pray… look at how our list grows! Cullen’s grandma is not doing well and my Dad will have a colonoscopy on Sept. 24th. Also, I have a student, Crystal, who had difficulty with kidney stones and infection, complicated by a heart problem and pregnancy… and for all the people we hold up in our prayer.
Birthdays Mary Kate Weed 9/13, Taylor Smith 9/13 and Margaret Lay 9/19
Keeping-in-touch: We have so much excitement around our house: anticipation of Lori and Tony’s baby… looking forward to a visit at Halloween with Charlie, Julianne and their parents… and Julie and Jason will leave that foreign country (California) to see us and the Trick-o-treators! It’s nice the City has a big parade for Margaret’s birthday (Broomfield Days)!
The Readings:
Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley: “…no human being can become truly and freely human without putting God in first place, valuing everything else in relation to his love. I said “everything”—even power, even wealth, even friendships.”
My Comments: Most of us would not hurt a “Just One” among us. But, if he or she became too challenging, we might ignore them!
May the peace of Christ be with each of you.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Well, I’ve been “a slacker” and failed to update this blog last week… and I’m running late this week. Some of our prayers are being answered*: Lori Beth and Tony received “the call” and will have a baby to adopt in about a month. And Dad told us that his friend who had a stroke walked out of the hospital yesterday. Julie McKay received good news that her cancer was removed. And Nic also received good news about his physical and now can serve as a firefighter! So, as we continue to pray for those who have gone before us, for those who mourn and for those suffering (Dan Montoya from my table at “That Man Is You” asks that we pray for friend who is very ill with meningitis and is in University Hospital, Mike McNutt: “Please put him and his wife Karen in your prayers.), we have much for which to express our gratitude and praise.
*Of course, all our prayers are answered in the Lord’s Wisdom. Some we understand and appreciate more than others.
Birthdays Mike Pintek 9/7 and Anniversaries: Julie (Lay) and Jason Schnitzer 9/5, Lori Beth (Lay) and Tony Gulmantovicz 9/7, Gary and Joan Carnegie 9/8
Keeping-in-touch: I can not think of much new and exciting. We’ve enjoyed watching the US Tennis Open and the Rockies. Marge harvests her garden. My classes keep me busy.
The Readings:
Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley: Now is the time to give them a big scoop of the truth. “The Son of Man must suffer greatly … and be killed, and rise after three days.”
My Comments: Ever since I first studied the Gospel of Mark and saw how much Jesus’ chosen apostles just didn’t get it, I’ve been struck by this question: “Who do you say I am?” And I claim that my reply probably says more about me than it does about Jesus! Hopefully, each day in my prayer, I move my self more to the side and more fully become open to Christ who suffers and loves like no other.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
