Friday, December 28, 2012

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

My Companions pray with me: LORD, in Your glory You have given us our family. Help us to experience our family as an encounter with the fullness of life, with joy and comfort, and with true reconciliation. May the love we share in family be a sign for all to see of Your most gracious love and our, sometimes feeble efforts to love You in worship. Help us all to grow in wisdom and grace whatever our age.

Birthdays: Alan Kobza (1/1), Sue Ross (1/1) . In Memoriam: Helen (Kilday) Low (1/2/75).
Keeping In-touch:  Our days have been filled with food and football in the warmth of our Christmas decorated home. We're enjoying our Christmas celebrations with family and friends. Although I'm fighting a cold, we're enjoying family time and learning of the happenings and life-events of others at this time of year when we make more effort to connect. It's so much fun to watch the little ones!
The Readings: Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:  To be holy is to be life-giving! Today we're challenged to participate in holy family life! Jesus most certainly sought his Father, the Creator of all life. Mary and Joseph responded, as well, in their vocation. What a beautiful feast: the feast of the life-giving family!


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Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

My Companions pray with me: LORD, thank you for including us in Your divine life! Help us open our hearts to receive the Christ-child and help show your salvific love to all the world. Forgive us for the times we have been harkened by your angels and have failed to respond fully. May we live in Your glory now and forever more.

The Readings: Christmas

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.

My comments and an invitation for your comments:  Just as the shepherds "went in haste to see..." and then returned "glorifying and praising God," I hope our Christmas Celebration confirms our expectation of God's love and we will return to give glory and praise to God for all the New Year by loving one another.
Merry Christmas... Marge & John


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Pat Dolan (1932 - 2012)

My Companions pray with me: LORD, take our friend and companion, Patricia (Murray) Dolan, to the fullness of Your glory. Bless all of her family, friends, and people of good will who have been touched by her hospitality and good cheer. May we remember Pat as we remember all who have gone before us. May Your perpetual light shine upon her.

In Memoriam  Patricia M. Dolan(November 14, 1932 - December 22, 2012)
Patricia Dolan nee Murray, beloved wife of the late Burtis J. Dolan, Jr.; loving mother of Amy (Dennis) Malaney, Burtis J., III (Stacy), William G. (Cynthia), Patrick J. (Susan), John P. (Diane) Dolan and Mary Alice (Michael) Noone; dear grandmother of 24: aunt of many nieces and nephews.

"The American Lady on the hill"
Almost five years ago Marge and I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Ireland with Fr. Ed Poehlmann and his sisters, Eileen and Cathy. Ed had contacted his friend, Pat Dolan, and she invited us to stay with her for a part of our trip. Even with the clear directions, "Past the ugly green house over the hill and just past the three houses near the highway, turn on the gravel driveway to the right." we had a difficult time finding her. But the postmaster in the town nearby helped us find her, not by name, but as "The American Lady on the hill." I might add: the most gracious American Lady on the hill. She couldn't do enough to make our trip to Ireland the most memorable ever. My Irish Bride and Pat connected like two Irish sisters with family stories of blarney!
Pat then spoiled us with her delightful culinary talents at her summer place in Vail. And on her last trip to Colorado this summer, we had the opportunity to play the host and hostess before she flew back to Chicago-land.
We so enjoyed her stories of her beloved Burt and the life she shared with her family and friends. And we had stories to remember and retell from our trip to the Emerald Isle.
We all have companions who briefly travel with us and in a very special way share our hopes, our dreams, and our expectations of life in the fullness of the LORD. Pat was is one of those special people.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fourth Sunday of Advent

My Companions pray with me: LORD, help us to serve others as Mary traveled to attend to Elizabeth. May our spirits jar us to joy as the babe within Elizabeth leaped at the sound of Mary's voice. Forgive us when our desires and expectations focus on insignificant things; help us know our true desire for You, Our Awesome God of Love! Thank You for all the good You rain upon us and continue to give your healing touch to all on our list of prayer.

Birthday: Lindsey Ross (12/27).
Keeping In-touch:  Not much rest for us last weekend: Marge had church-cleaning & I had the topic for M.A.S.H (see "Seeking Holiness in the Shadow of Tragedy"), Regis Graduation, and the final session of "Inside Islam." All the news-ertainment rehashed the tragic events of Friday, but the Broncos continued to win and divert our attention.

The Readings: Fourth Sunday of Advent

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:  We often think that "Love your neighbor" means to, in some abstract way, "Love everyone." The Gospel this week gives us an example: Mary's "neighbor" was her cousin, Elizabeth. I need to love each person I encounter in my daily journey and in them all people of good will.


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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Third Sunday of Advent

My Companions pray with me: LORD, comfort us in this time of tragedy! How can we rejoice when little children have been shot? You are in our midst, but a pall drapes our days. Thank you for the renewed health of Chuck and Dad. Please continue to bless them and heal Lori Beth and Kelly DeBoar. Help us to let our lives sing your glory and know that You will dry all our tears.

Birthday: Chuck Olson (12/21), Julie (Lay) Schnitzer (12/22), Judi (Lay) Cole (12/22).
Keeping In-touch:  Marge keeps busy
preparing for Christmas and doing her elder care work. I stole away and skied "the ribbon of death" with my friend Fr. Ed (he'll teach me to ski again, or kill me), but have kept busy at the school. We'll complete the "Inside Islam" class at church this weekend. The Georgens fed us a most wonderful dinner and we will be entertained by the Elliot children this evening. Lori Beth recovers from her gallstone issue and Chuck is on-the-mend. Kelly DeBoar, Connie Kobza's niece will have a cyst in her thigh removed to keep it from attacking her bones, please keep her in your prayer.  he tragedy in Connecticut makes us so sad but also determined to love more fully to repudiate evil!
The Readings: Third Sunday of Advent

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:  The first reading is so joyful it helps to raise my spirits. And the Gospel reading poses the question that constantly resonates in my prayer: What do you want me to do? Hopefully I will celebrate and listen more fully this week. How about you?


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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Second Sunday of Advent

My Companions pray with me: LORD, may your glory shine forever! May all people of good will see the light of your glory through all our words and actions. Please accept our repentance for the forgiveness of our sins. And know the gratitude in our hearts for all your good gifts: especially the gift of new life in the birth of Caleb Foresman. Give us what we need to "make straight the path" for the building of your kingdom: especially bless Chuck at his cancer surgery and all who recover from sickness. Bless our work and make it the work of your hands.
Birthday: Caleb Froesman (12/3), Danielle Lay (12/16). Anniversaries: Katie (Lay) & Nick Johnson (12/11), Mark & Sue Ross (12/12).
Keeping In-touch:  I have had some wonderful moments of consolation in prayer lately, but really have a "bah humbug" spirit about all the "holiday issues." Our "Inside Islam" sessions have provide a challenging opportunity to work to understand all of God's children and to become more faithful in our response to God's love. The warm weather has given the opportunity for more fun recreation (tennis). And our new activities (Marge's elder care-giving and my cafeteria tasks)
keep us on our toes at the beginning of this new Church year and the end of our calendar year.
The Readings: Second Sunday of Advent

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:  The reading from Baruch struck me with the proclamation that God will bring "our children" back to us "borne aloft in glory." Oh how wonderful it will be when we will all live filled with the glory of God! Hopefully, this week I will take to heart the call of John the Baptist to "see the salvation of God."


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