My Companions: Let us pray that "our hearts burn within us" as we reflect on Jesus' words in the Breaking of the Bread.
Birthdays: Mark Ross (3/29), Michael Olson (3/29), Adam Olson (4/3), Dani Schnitzer (4/4).
Keeping-in-touch: We're just enjoying some lovely spring weather and the beautiful liturgies of the Triduum.
The Readings: Easter Sunday, The Resurrection of the Lord, The Mass of Easter Day
Comments on the readings: Easter Sunday, Fr Foley: "The greatest of all Easter truths is this: God’s love is stronger than life itself, stronger than death."
My Comments: These readings of the women and apostles running to the empty tomb, the first encounters of the Risen Lord and especially the disciples on the road to Emmaus become our story and vision. We can live as an Easter People.
May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
Just an update on Tom.. he's finally coming home today after 73 straight days in 2 different hospitals and 1 re-hab facility.. he still has a ways to go and won't be playing softball this year but this is obviously a big deal to finally be coming home.. thanks again for your prayers and please keep them coming.. see you, Craig