Monday, August 26, 2013

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions pray with me: LORD, help us not to seek anything but Your Will for us. Let us bring You glory by living with the dignity of Your sons and daughters. Forgive us for loosing perspective and lording over others. Thank You for all Your blessings. And please grant health and comfort to our sick, opportunities for the oppressed, and eternal life to all who precede us in death with the hope of the resurrection.

Birthdays: James Carnegie (8/26), Evan Parise (8/31).
In memoriam: Mike McClanahan (8/28/2009)
Keeping In-touch: Although we stayed home, our week passed-bye quickly. I played golf and tennis; Marge cared for her charges. Our friend Kim visited as she took "her baby" to college. We celebrated the summer at the Parish BBQ. We finally made arrangements for our trip to celebrate Lacey Kobza's wedding.
The Readings: Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:  I know I have nothing for which to be haughty. And I'm not a "Stargazer"; I don't keep track of movie-stars, star athletes, or other celebrities.  But I also know that I enjoy inviting friends and others who share my outlook to dinner, or tennis, or golf... This Gospel leaves me with quite a challenge to reach-out to sons and daughters of The Lord that the world does not recognize!
An Invitation: Hopefully, this blog enriches your celebration of the Liturgy at the gathering of your community each week. We do not field many "Comments, Reflections, Insights..."  Sharing your thoughts and feelings on the Gospel may enhance your celebration even more. I have another gift for you: I'll build you a small group Gospel sharing site for groups of 4 to 8 people. See an example here.
Become a Host or Hostess for your Gospel sharing group this week.

Comments, Reflections, Insights...

Monday, August 19, 2013

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions pray with me: LORD, please fuel the fire of our desire for You. Change our hearts of stone and make them receptive flesh to accept Your friendship and love. May we know you more fully in Word and Sacrament that our encounter may bring You glory.

Birthdays: Katie (Lay) Johnson (8/19). Anniversary: Mark & Vicki Schnitzer (8/20).
In memoriam: Fr. Joe Hirsch (8/24/2009)
Keeping In-touch: We enjoyed our last scheduled summer camping trip and watched the "energizer bunny," Nathan, play with the natural toys of Rocky Mountain National Park. We saw that Julianne & Charlie took their first canoe trip in Iowa. We enjoyed the cooler days... but the heat has returned to the Front Range.
The Readings: Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:  If Jesus says, "I don't know you," you must not have accepted His Love. The goal, object, end of our longing for Truth, Beauty, Love is the Unity of the Body of Christ. Why don't we believe, so often, that God's love is infinite and unconditional? Let's live in that Love and invite others to join us.
An Invitation: Hopefully, this blog enriches your celebration of the Liturgy at the gathering of your community each week. We do not field many "Comments, Reflections, Insights..."  Sharing your thoughts and feelings on the Gospel may enhance your celebration even more. I have another gift for you: I'll build you a small group Gospel sharing site for groups of 4 to 8 people. See an example here.
Become a Host or Hostess for your Gospel sharing group this week.

Comments, Reflections, Insights...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions pray with me: LORD, this is a hard Gospel! No one desires division among friends, family, or even communities of work or play. Every one says they want the truth. I guess the division You bring unveils the hypocrisy of our sin. Help us love and bring You glory, forgive us our comfort in lies, thank You for all Your gifts, and please provide our needs as we serve the needs of others.

Birthdays: Margie (Czarnecki-Norton) Pintek (8/16). Anniversary: Michele & Mike Lay (8/12).
Keeping In-touch: I guess we had a normal week, whatever that is? I played some tennis, celebrated Gary's birthday and toasted "good-bye" to neighbors, Eric, Chrisy, & Chloie.
The Readings: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:  Jesus, as Fr. Barron says, compels a choice. Too often we "domesticate Jesus." This Gospel challenges us to know Jesus and make Him the center of our lives.
An Invitation: Hopefully, this blog enriches your celebration of the Liturgy at the gathering of your community each week. We do not field many "Comments, Reflections, Insights..."  Sharing your thoughts and feelings on the Gospel may enhance your celebration even more. I have another gift for you: I'll build you a small group Gospel sharing site for groups of 4 to 8 people. See an example here.
Become a Host or Hostess for your Gospel sharing group this week.

Comments, Reflections, Insights...

Monday, August 5, 2013

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions pray with me: LORD, help me to trust in You and to know Your loving trust. I desire to receive You in my daily life and be ready for the glorious forevermore You have promised. May I praise You with my life, know Your forgiveness, gratefully share Your blessings, and call on You for all my needs.

Birthdays: Gary Carnegie (8/7), Bev Grau (8/8) Neil Cyrus (8/11). 
In memoriam: Lina Kilday (8/6), Phil Bammer (8/7), Jean Lay (8/8), Mike Howard (8/10)
Keeping In-touch: We did have a wonderful time celebrating Tim Weed's profession to Holy Cross Fathers in Colorado Springs, he now begins four years of study in Theology at Notre Dame University. I played golf for the first time this year, tennis was rained-out, but we appreciate the "pennies from heaven" as the "monsoon flow" has returned to Colorado.
The Readings: Nineteenth Sunday in OrdinaryTime

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:  It may be fitting that I have a few people to remember from my calendar this week. The Gospel calls us to be ready for The Lord's Return. Thinking about our inevitable death gives us an opportunity to reflect on how we live our lives. And knowing Christ, we should live our lives with joy!
An Invitation: Hopefully, this blog enriches your celebration of the Liturgy at the gathering of your community each week. We do not field many "Comments, Reflections, Insights..."  Sharing your thoughts and feelings on the Gospel may enhance your celebration even more. I have another gift for you: I'll build you a small group Gospel sharing site for groups of 4 to 8 people. See an example here.
Become a Host or Hostess for your Gospel sharing group this week.

Comments, Reflections, Insights...