Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Fifth Sunday of Easter

My Companions, pray with me:
Lord, we praise for pruning and testing us to show us the way to your love. Forgive us for "growing wildly" and ignoring your plans for living fully with you. And thank you for all the fruits you send us each day. Please give us all that we need to live in peace and help grow your kingdom. Bring all our deceased friends and loved ones to your glorious care. And help all those in pain and suffering especially those who have no one to pray and care for them.
  We ask all of this in Jesus name. 

Companion Events:   Birthdays:  Kevin Norton (4/22), Logan Felix (4/23), Kim Dixon (4/24), David Schnitzer (4/26), Kathy Shultz (4/26), Steve Jacobs (4/27), Greg Blanchard (4/27), Makayla Schnitzer (4/28). In memoriam: Caroline B. "Carol" Kowis (4/27/13).

Keeping In-touch: We continue to live the high life experiencing the desert around Phoenix and now celebrating birthdays by the Pacific Ocean and the Monterey Coast. We had a pleasant visit with my sister, Mary, and her son, Michael. Julie and her family continue to thrive in California. 

The Readings: Fifth Sunday of Easter

Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website

My comments and an invitation for your comments: I don't think many people look forward to the pain of being pruned, but most of us know the experience of growing through discomfort and pain. May the Lord prepare us to allow Jesus to live in us and through us.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Fourth Sunday of Easter

My Companions, pray with me:
Lord, we praise for the glory of your life that we may find in all things. Please forgive all our failings and help us to make amends with the help of your love. Thank you for all your wonderful gifts, especially the gift of companions who help us to grow in wisdom and grace. Grant us all that we need: we pray for all the people we have promised to lift up to your mercy and loving kindness. Welcome all our departed brothers and sisters into your kingdom.
  We ask all of this in Jesus name. 

Companion Events:   Birthdays:  Jim Middleton (4/15), Pat Serveiss (4/16), Pope Benedict XXVI (4/16), Ron DiSanto (4/16), Audrey Schnitzer (4/17), Donna Van Dusen (4/21), Anniversary: Fr Michael Carvill (4/21/1990). 

Keeping In-touch: We keeping active as always, sometimes fighting off little "bugs." Begrudgingly (because of graft, corruption, and much self-service in government) we have paid our taxes. We dodged "the winds of Denver" by getting out-of-town in the middle of the night! We enjoy visiting with family and friends... Life IS Good!

The Readings: Fourth Sunday of Easter

Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website

My comments and an invitation for your comments: Jesus has shown the greatest example of love by laying down his life... for all Creation. He continues to participate in all the suffering of Creation while enjoying the fulfillment to come...

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Third Sunday of Easter

My Companions, pray with me:
Lord, we praise you for the glory of all the life you have given in your continual creation. Forgive us for failing to notice you and the work of your hands. Thank you for all your gifts, especially for sharing your life with us and welcoming us to participate as co-creators with you. We ask for your healing and loving kindness, especially for Mike, Keith.
  We ask all of this in Jesus name. 

Companion Events:   Birthdays:  Madelyn Ross  (4/9). 

Keeping In-touch: We had a wonderful trip to Chicago-land and South Bend.  We visited my brother, Mike, in the hospital, had dinner with family members, then traveled to Notre Dame for Fr. Tim Weed's Ordination and 1st Mass. The celebrations were beautiful and we received plenty to eat. Before we headed home we had a good visit with our friends Bob and Ann at their Wonder Lake Home. We visited the Schmitt Chapel and the Farm learned that my cousin, Keith, lost half of his leg because of an infection.

The Readings: Third Sunday of Easter

Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website

My comments and an invitation for your comments: Too often we find ourselves looking for "miracles" or "marvelous events" and we fail to notice the wonder of God in our everyday lives.

Ordination of Tim Weed

We were delighted to share in the ordination to the priesthood and the first mass of Marge's nephew, Tim Weed.
May he be richly blessed in his service to the Lord's people.
God bless you, Fr. Tim.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Second Sunday of Easter (Or Sunday of Divine Mercy)

My Companions, pray with me: Oh what a joyous gift you give us Lord by conquering death and offering us your love and mercy. Help us to open our hearts to your creative power and bring you glory with our lives. Forgive us all our selfishness and sin. Help us to experience your mercy. Thank you for all your wonderful gifts especially all the new life we experience this Spring. We ask you to care for all of your people who struggle with physical, mental, and emotional health struggles, especially the people on our list. Please grant you life and light to all who have gone before us to meet you in your kingdom.
  We ask all of this in Jesus name. 

Companion EventsBirthdays: Adam Olson (4/3), Mark Schnitzer (4/3), Benjamin DeQuiroz (4/4), Dani Schnitzer (4/6).   Anniversary: Jack & Anita Baker  (4/7/1956).

Keeping In-touch: We had a beautiful Holy Week and joyful Easter.  The ND Women Basketball team gave us quite a thrill last night; we'll watch the men's basketball championship tonight; dine with siblings on Thursday and celebrate Tim Weed's ordination to the priesthood on Saturday. What a full week! I'll try to play tennis today and golf on Wednesday... livin' the "high life" and hope you are also.

Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website

My comments and an invitation for your comments: Can you imagine encountering the Risen Jesus after experiencing the profound depression that Thomas must have felt? And can you really experience God's love for you and God's unconditional mercy? Alone, in the quiet, reflection on this "bowls me over!" What a message! What a delight!