Monday, October 26, 2015

All Saints

My Companions pray with me: Lord, may we follow all the holy women and men who have gone before us, live in Your Perpetual Light, and praise You. May our lives as "sinners who keep trying" live saintly lives with all of our sisters and brothers. Forgive us for the times we choose not to live saintly lives today. Thank you for all Your gifts, especially the example of the saints among us and the whole communion of Saints. Please give us all we need physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually to life full lives.  Amen

Companion Events: Birthdays:  Jason Schnitzer (10/27), Haley (Smith) Forseman (10/27), Cameron Frodl (10/28) Timothy Weed (10/28), Aidan Komon (10/30), Mike Lay (10/31), Eric Beck (11/1), Jenna Frodl (11/1).  Anniversaries: Trudy & Craig McBride (10/25/1975), Pat and Greg Serveiss (10/25/1970), Judy and Larry Lay (10/29/1976), Shelley Kari & Ken Lay (11/1/__). In memoriam: Maud Sandoval (10/29/2013).

Keeping In-touch: I have not posted in this blog since the first week in August. The Campaign continues for one more week then we'll see where we go from there. The summer flew by and it's time to winterize the house and camper.

The Readings: All Saints

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.

My comments and an invitation for your comments: 
Do you want to be a Saint? We are all called to this.