Monday, April 27, 2009

Fourth Sunday of Easter

My Companions: I heard good news this week: one of my priest friends found some funds to help save his inner city parish school. I heard that Sam is recovering but has lost a lot of his zip; and Mary Weed has had a better week with her medical treatments. Fr. Ed asks us to pray for his niece, Audrey: she’s having a difficult time keeping her pregnancy (see comment). Our list on the left side is long but I receive comments of gratitude for all your prayers and support. I added Audrey Fox and Jim DePriest (heart surgery for irregular beat) this week.
Birthdays this week: ???
Keeping-in-touch: I enjoyed three days of tennis last week and played softball in the rain Sunday night with Nativity Men. We had a good pot-luck gathering with faculty and spouses. And we celebrated Tom Duggan’s retirement… what does a philosopher do in retirement? I have offered to facilitate a summer session on Christology and am building a Moodle supliment for those who wish to use it… I’m excited about this.

The Readings:
Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley: “Two ways of life: on one side, Grab And Keep. On the other, Receive and Let Go. The hired hand, the good shepherd.”
My Comments: The Good Shepherd offers a love so wonderful we must take some time to savor this awesome gift. Sometimes I hectically spend my time working for wages (or in hopes of some) that I fail to reflect on my “labors of love.”

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Third Sunday of Easter

My Companions: We have all our regular people that need our prayers.
I put a picture of the Dixons on this issue (Kim, Amanda, Matthew and Gary). Gary sees the hospice people this week and he has a lot of pain. He honored me years ago when he joined our friend, Kim, in Holy Matrimony and asked me to be his best man. We prayed and laid hands on him when they visited last summer. I love my friend and want you all to know what a wonderful husband, father, educator and friend he is. It looks like we will not have opportunities to play tennis, drink micro-brews, argue educational philosophy or share our faith in person. But he’s in my heart now and will continue always.
Another friend, Tom Martin, who left to work for the Lord way too early in his days, wrote that a friend can be closer to you from a distant land or across dimensions of life than others next to you in a crowded room of people. And he said, “John, I’ll always be with you.” And he has been.
Let us always know we live as a community of saints and our tears will turn into dancing.
Birthdays this week: Kevin Norton
Keeping-in-touch: We had a wonderful, long weekend at Grand Lake thanks to our good friends who let us use their cabin. And I made contact with some high school classmates… Facebook is a kick! It’s “springtime in the Rockies” 1 – 4’ of snow over the weekend.
The Readings:
Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley: By this time the apostles had come to their senses… Peter knew the “rest of the story.”
My Comments: Sometimes, when I look back, I realize angels have released me from oppression. And I wonder how often I have not recognized Jesus working in my life.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Divine Mercy Sunday

My Companions: The good news is Madelaine Lumpp’s surgery recovery. Continue to pray for those who are sick and those seeking opportunities to use their talents in this challenging economy. As always, leave comments if you wish.
Birthdays this week: nothing on my calendar again.
Keeping-in-touch: We had a wonderful celebration of the Triduum and participated in the beautiful liturgies Thurs. thru Sun. Matt, Lori Beth & Tony joined us for Easter Dinner; some storytelling and laughter. I’m running behind… but finally sent in the taxes.
The Readings:
Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley: “Jesus was the river of love that God had poured into the world. He was now flowing back into the ocean of the Trinity and taking us along, whichever of us chooses to believe.”
My Comments: In many ways, the Resurrection is so difficult to imagine that I can understand the difficulties of “doubting Thomas.” I wonder what Thomas, and all the other disciples of Jesus, really expected. How might our expectations fail at the glory of living in the Community of Love that is the Trinity? Also, I feel the awful awkwardness of Thomas when I experience the Love of the Lord, after my moments of desolation. How wonderful is the Lord’s mercy!

What is your experience of receiving forgiveness?
How do you understand this mercy we have been offered?
Does this understanding make a difference for you?
How will this experience of forgiveness and mercy change your behavior?

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord

My Companions: Please continue to remember Mary Weed, Gary Dixon and Mike McCanahan  and their families as they continue their fights with cancer; the news this week has been very dis-heartening (one of my scripture reflections last week made me reflect on “our job” and our short time in this world Philippians 1:20-26 where Paul reflects on his life and his desire ( ).  I did receive a good news email from Rick Dunn that his treatments went well and he looks forward to working in his New York garden.  Many people hurt from this economy, may all our struggles bring forth renewals.  And Madelaine Lumpp’s surgery will take place on Wednesday. Birthdays this week: I have no events on my calendar this week to share.

Keeping-in-touch: Our trip made this a short week and I enjoyed my work and our last Ignatian Faculty Scholars Day for the school year.  I have much writing to do and hope to produce a “Spirituality and Cyberspace” manuscript in short order but we’ll see.  Our first Old Testament “virtual learning experience” is well underway.  I have much gratitude for Connie Kobza, the facilitator, and all the participants!  We will do good work.

The Readings:

Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley: “Jesus became the night. Jesus is the light..”

My Comments: Like Paul, I want to be with Christ and I also want to toil with my companions.  I also do not know the better choice.  I have experienced love in community and the last gospel reading for Easter Sunday is my favorite with the account of the disciples on the road to Emmaus.  Let us remember those times when our hearts burned within us as we celebrate Easter this year.

What is your experience of Easter?

How do you understand this awesome feast?

Does this event make a difference for you?

How does this event and our celebration change your behavior?


I pray you have a blessed Easter


May the peace of Christ be with each of you.



Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion

My Companions: I have received notes from a few of our friends and we have many requests for prayer: Kim Dixon wrote that Gary’s cancer has returned and they are not doing well, Melanie McCanahan wrote that Mike’s battle with cancer keeps them at the hospital and Marge tells that her sister Mary Weed has a very tough time with her new treatments.  I wish I had more joyful happenings to raise in prayer but we have real time sufferings to remember as we read the passion this weekend.

Birthdays this week: Mark Ross, Michael Olson and Adam Olson.

Keeping-in-touch: Although the roads presented a challenge because of our “springtime” weather, we had a wonderful visit with our family in Lincoln.  The little ones are so filled with life.  Julianne asked, “Papa why don’t you move back to Nebraska?”  I gently replied that we never did live in Nebraska and a move to "the good life State" was never going to happen!

The Readings:

Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley: “But the real basis of kingship and queenship is serving the people, no matter what.”

My Comments: As we reflect on the passion of Christ this weekend we should probably re-member that this suffering of Jesus continues today in each of the sick, the oppressed, the enslaved and the impoverished members of His Body.  This will make our hearts fill-up with compassion for our Lord and all our sisters and brothers.  Our hope in the Resurrection will reduce the pain but will not take it away.

 May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
