Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fifth Sunday of Lent

My Companions: Let us pray for our leaders, "help us make decisions, Lord, that reflect Your love and Your will."  "Lord, bless all on our lists who need to know your glory as they struggle will health or other personal issues."  "And teach us to see as You see, to forgive and to accept forgiveness." "May Your glory shine through us as we love one another."

Birthdays: Charlie Stevens (3/17), Lindsay Smith (3/17), Trish Buckley (3/17), Rick Dunn (3/17), Robert Weed (3/18), Chrisy DeBaar (3/19)

Keeping-in-touch: This will be a big week with my travel (so I can't put writing off to the last minute).  The girls had a wonderful time in San Jose' and Nate did great: they're already making other plans.

The Readings: 5rd Sunday of Lent Year C Woman caught in adultery (our reflection),  An other choice Year A Lazarus (RCIA)

Comments on the readings: 5th Sunday of Lent: Fr. Foley, Year C: "They have him in the snare, this dreamer who always preaches about forgiveness and love?"  Year A: Lazarus Story
My Comments: None of us are ready "to cast the first stone," but how many times do we find ourselves in a crowd ready to condemn others?  If we really knew Jesus' "look of love," might we, more often, share that love with "other sinners"?

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


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