Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (and the feast day of St Ignatius of Loyola, July 31)

My Companions: Let us praise the LORD with our minds and with our hearts and in every way the LORD shows the LORD's self to us.  Let us seek the LORD's mercy for our failures to bring Love into our world and experience the LORD's loving kindness that brings life despite our failures. Let our stoney hearts become hearts of flesh filled with gratitude for all good things especially our loving companions and the beautiful creation we have to share.  Let us ask for all our needs especially health in mind and body.

Birthdays: Cameron Ross (7/26), Michael Schnitzer (7/27), Marie Friedemann (7/28), Ted McMurdo (7/29), Karen (Norton) Gravelyn (8/1). Anniversary: Agnes Klaus (d. 8/26)

The Story of Ignatius of Loyola

Keeping In-touch: "Do you feel up to attending the social gathering for our liberal arts faculty?" I asked my Bride. "We must," she replied, "so many of them are praying with and for us!" So this was a gracious experience for us this week.  And we plan to go camping this weekend with our small Christian Community Group: this too will bring us life.  The bunnies devour Marge's flowers so that keeps her dander up and returns some of her spunk.  We'll see a University Hospital Physician on Friday for another opinion and just continue to pray for the LORD's glory to be found in our fight.  Although we have experienced many 90+ degree days, we hate to see the summer drawing to a close...

Readings: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Foley's Reflections: Come to the Water 
The song "Come to the Water"
My comments and an invitation for you for comment: I feel selfish when I read the story of how Jesus lost a best friend and then, with little time for solitude, responded to the needs of those longing for the fullness of life: they came to a deserted place and He would not dismiss them.  In contrast, I sometimes just want to be left alone when my compassion takes the life-blood out of me.  It's ironic that when I do look beyond my own hurting, busy myself with the needs of others, I find a consolation that does not come with grieving.  Maybe that's why Jesus "fixed dinner right away."  Maybe that's why Ignatius found life in the way of Jesus and the saints!

May you too find consolation in your chosen service.

Many blessings,


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Holy God we praise Your Name!  We humbly praise you as we search for Your Life and Glory in all things.  Forgive us our failure to live in Your Life and Love.  Thank You for all the blessings we have received and for the promise of life in the fullness of your Glory.  Help us to know the treasure you have set before us in Christ Jesus and give us the wisdom to mortgage all we have for that True Treasure.  Please bless all those in need of healing: Nick Johnson hit by a car and Mike Howard and all listed on this blog.

Birthdays: Marcel Dumestre (7/20), Jim Guyer S.J. (7/22), Nancy Mulligan (7/23)

Keeping In-touch: We're waiting for more test results to make appropriate decisions about Marge's treatments; we will see the Dr. Hyde again the 10th of August and continue to learn about our situation and our options.  We pray for the LORD's healing and guidance of all our care-givers.  Marge has had better days and recovers more each day from surgery. I learned that Dcn. Mike Howard has terminal cancer and has home hospice care. Katie (Lay) Johnson's husband, Nick, was hit by a car and is now home recovering from broken bones.  We made proposals this week and have a verbal OK for a new account and we're keeping busy with the other proposals, tennis was rained-out so we have make-up games again. We still receive soooo much support from friends and family... and have begun to return to "normal" activities.

The Readings: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Foley's Reflections: Layers of Wisdom
My comments and an invitation for you for comment: Since my youth, I have desired wisdom.  I wanted to know what moves the human for good or ill!  So I traveled a course of academic study, working to understand: I studied math and science; I studied psychology, I studied religion and, of course, I studied philosophy [the love of wisdom: philosophy (philos Sophia)]. And I gained some Socratic wisdom: "the more I know, the more I know I don't know."  And along the way, with the help of wonderful companions, I am seeking not only "an understanding heart" like Solomon but I am seeking to know the LORD's Will for my participation in His Kingdom each and every day.  That I claim is true Wisdom.  In times of trial and struggle this is no small treasure to find... it is the treasure that will fulfill the human heart!

May you find the "pearl of great price" or "the treasure" worth your love and your life: humans fully alive... the glory of God!

Many blessings,


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Let us praise the LORD for the wonderful creation and the great Mystery of Love.  Let us seek forgiveness for the weeds in our life, knowing the gracious love that falls on the wheat and weeds. Let us give thanks and grow hearts of gratitude and laughter.  And let us pray for all our needs, especially those listed on our blog and all the men and women in retirement homes and assisted care facilities: may their final days be grace for those with whom they share their day and for all who visit.

Birthdays: Larry Lay (7/14).  Anniversaries: Birdene DeBoar (d. 7/12), Megan and Cullen Stevens (7/14)

Keeping In-touch: I run a day late from my intended post time... Wow! what a full week.  My trip to Chicago-land filled my days with joy: meeting new companions in training sessions and enjoying old friends and family in "jaw" sessions (sometime with funny names like "choir-practice"). On the phone each day, I delightfully heard of Marge's healing progress and her participation in her own "jaw" sessions with gracious friends.  I expect to do much, good work in Chicago-land after meeting professionals with vision.  I had to laugh at the LORD's humor in a "gift of a pet" for Grandpa: a baby skunk in his window-well (see an article on humor).  Dad invited me to participate in the prayer services he leads at the retirement homes on Sunday: a blessing to join in their praise for the LORD.

The Readings: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Foley's Reflections: Weeding
My comments and an invitation for you for comment: Jesus taught in parables.  This weekend the readings challenge us to learn about God's Kingdom in images of the growing of wheat and weeds, a mustard seed and leaven.  Growing in Love is a process; a process that has begun before the creation of the world; a process that continues each day; a process that will find completion in God's good time.  These images challenge me to live in the fullness of that Love now.  And I appreciate the Love that will not "root-out" my weeds but continues to nurture my wheat; I'm thankful for the Love that changes me without overcoming me.  Thank you for your participation in that Love.

Celebrate the growth of God's Kingdom in your lives this week!


Comments, Reflections, Insights...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (written Independence Day)

My Companions: Let us praise the LORD who brought us out of slavery in Egypt, who brought political freedom to the United States, and who offers us a salvation from physical, emotional, moral and political oppression in His Son.  His Word falls like rain on all the hearts of men and women: fertile, thorny, stony or shallow.  Let us know Your mercy for our failures to live as free women and men; guide us to live as a people ready to serve You and each other.  Thank You for our health and for all Your material and spiritual gifts; help us use them all in the service of Your Kingdom.  Help us to see and to hear Your response to our call for help with our needs: especially for those on our list of prayers for renewed health, for the poor and oppressed, and for all who numb themselves to their inner groaning for the fullness of life.  And do not forget all who have gone before us; remember their gallant and their little acts of love and courage.

Birthdays: Rev. Edward Poehlmann (7/4), David Larson (7/9), Kathleen Angel (7/10), Katie (Norton) Frodl (7/10), Ryan Beck (7/11).  Anniversary: John & Maggie Lay (7/11).

Keeping In-touch: Our week was very full, again we were blessed with a shower of gracious love and support for my Bride in phone calls, emails and many other blessings.  Jason arrived from San Jose to join Julie and Makayla.  We have enjoyed many family dinners and gatherings.  Marge's nieces, Colleen, MaryKate and Karen arrived safely and are packing-in the local sites.  The doctors removed Marge's draining tubes to take away that awkward and uncomfortable tool of her healing; her recovery creeps on with sadness, pain and uncertainty.  We take one day at a time (doesn't everyone?), celebrate the good and hope for better days.

The Readings: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Foley's Reflections: Yearning for God's Goodness
My comments and an invitation for you for comment: "All creation groans."  We were created to live in freedom and celebrate life.  Too often, I turn my life on "cruise control" or "autopilot" and I fail to celebrate the opportunities to participate in a more full life: I do not notice the beautiful flowers, trees or mountains that dance in my line of sight; I do not notice the random acts of kindness performed by my friends or neighbors or strangers on the street; I do not rest in the quiet loving embrace of our LORD or listen to the miracle of His whisper to me.  If I open myself to more fully experience the groaning for life within me, I suspect I will know more pain & suffering; I will know more joy: I will know more life and love.  Living in that freedom takes strength and courage.  May I accept those blessings.

Respond to your inner groaning in ways that help you thrive!


Comments, Reflections, Insights...