Thursday, July 21, 2011

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Holy God we praise Your Name!  We humbly praise you as we search for Your Life and Glory in all things.  Forgive us our failure to live in Your Life and Love.  Thank You for all the blessings we have received and for the promise of life in the fullness of your Glory.  Help us to know the treasure you have set before us in Christ Jesus and give us the wisdom to mortgage all we have for that True Treasure.  Please bless all those in need of healing: Nick Johnson hit by a car and Mike Howard and all listed on this blog.

Birthdays: Marcel Dumestre (7/20), Jim Guyer S.J. (7/22), Nancy Mulligan (7/23)

Keeping In-touch: We're waiting for more test results to make appropriate decisions about Marge's treatments; we will see the Dr. Hyde again the 10th of August and continue to learn about our situation and our options.  We pray for the LORD's healing and guidance of all our care-givers.  Marge has had better days and recovers more each day from surgery. I learned that Dcn. Mike Howard has terminal cancer and has home hospice care. Katie (Lay) Johnson's husband, Nick, was hit by a car and is now home recovering from broken bones.  We made proposals this week and have a verbal OK for a new account and we're keeping busy with the other proposals, tennis was rained-out so we have make-up games again. We still receive soooo much support from friends and family... and have begun to return to "normal" activities.

The Readings: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Foley's Reflections: Layers of Wisdom
My comments and an invitation for you for comment: Since my youth, I have desired wisdom.  I wanted to know what moves the human for good or ill!  So I traveled a course of academic study, working to understand: I studied math and science; I studied psychology, I studied religion and, of course, I studied philosophy [the love of wisdom: philosophy (philos Sophia)]. And I gained some Socratic wisdom: "the more I know, the more I know I don't know."  And along the way, with the help of wonderful companions, I am seeking not only "an understanding heart" like Solomon but I am seeking to know the LORD's Will for my participation in His Kingdom each and every day.  That I claim is true Wisdom.  In times of trial and struggle this is no small treasure to find... it is the treasure that will fulfill the human heart!

May you find the "pearl of great price" or "the treasure" worth your love and your life: humans fully alive... the glory of God!

Many blessings,


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