Monday, July 4, 2011

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (written Independence Day)

My Companions: Let us praise the LORD who brought us out of slavery in Egypt, who brought political freedom to the United States, and who offers us a salvation from physical, emotional, moral and political oppression in His Son.  His Word falls like rain on all the hearts of men and women: fertile, thorny, stony or shallow.  Let us know Your mercy for our failures to live as free women and men; guide us to live as a people ready to serve You and each other.  Thank You for our health and for all Your material and spiritual gifts; help us use them all in the service of Your Kingdom.  Help us to see and to hear Your response to our call for help with our needs: especially for those on our list of prayers for renewed health, for the poor and oppressed, and for all who numb themselves to their inner groaning for the fullness of life.  And do not forget all who have gone before us; remember their gallant and their little acts of love and courage.

Birthdays: Rev. Edward Poehlmann (7/4), David Larson (7/9), Kathleen Angel (7/10), Katie (Norton) Frodl (7/10), Ryan Beck (7/11).  Anniversary: John & Maggie Lay (7/11).

Keeping In-touch: Our week was very full, again we were blessed with a shower of gracious love and support for my Bride in phone calls, emails and many other blessings.  Jason arrived from San Jose to join Julie and Makayla.  We have enjoyed many family dinners and gatherings.  Marge's nieces, Colleen, MaryKate and Karen arrived safely and are packing-in the local sites.  The doctors removed Marge's draining tubes to take away that awkward and uncomfortable tool of her healing; her recovery creeps on with sadness, pain and uncertainty.  We take one day at a time (doesn't everyone?), celebrate the good and hope for better days.

The Readings: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Foley's Reflections: Yearning for God's Goodness
My comments and an invitation for you for comment: "All creation groans."  We were created to live in freedom and celebrate life.  Too often, I turn my life on "cruise control" or "autopilot" and I fail to celebrate the opportunities to participate in a more full life: I do not notice the beautiful flowers, trees or mountains that dance in my line of sight; I do not notice the random acts of kindness performed by my friends or neighbors or strangers on the street; I do not rest in the quiet loving embrace of our LORD or listen to the miracle of His whisper to me.  If I open myself to more fully experience the groaning for life within me, I suspect I will know more pain & suffering; I will know more joy: I will know more life and love.  Living in that freedom takes strength and courage.  May I accept those blessings.

Respond to your inner groaning in ways that help you thrive!


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