Monday, January 8, 2018

"The rest of the story..."

I remember Paul Harvey broadcasting, "The rest of the story" and provide little know facts about a well known person or event. If you enjoyed the "Christmas Opportunity" blog post, you will, most likely enjoy this The Rest of the Story...

 The rest of the "Christmas Opportunity Story..."

Marge and I settled into the evening (1/2/2018) and began to flip channels between two of our favorite, Jesuit basketball games.
The doorbell rang, I opened the door, a gentleman greeted me with a card and said, “I’m a commuter who drives by your home each evening and want to thank you for your lighted nativity display.”

I replied, “Well, God bless you!” and he walked back to his car.

I returned to my easy-chair and handed the envelope to my Bride and told her of the quick exchange. Marge opened the envelope and exclaimed, “Oh my goodness, read this!
I am a commuter on the road just north of your home. I have driven by your house many times on my way home from work. And I want to thank you for your Nativity display. It brightens my day every time. No matter how bad a day I might have at work your Nativity display reminds me a new of the great hope we have in our Savior! Thank you so much. I’m sure I am not alone in this sentiment. I’m also enclosing $20 to help w/ the electric bill.
Thanks again,
A Blessed Commuter! ☺

This choked-me-up, big-time! “I wish I could share this card with Pa.”
Marge commented, “I’m sure he knows.”

I bet we rarely know how many people we touch just by doing what we do. Hopefully I’m making more impact with the love I have and share, and not so often when I’m “a grumpy old man.”

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