My Companions pray with me:
Lord, we hear your call in the Gospel to be watchful and alert. Help us not to succumb to the buying and selling of this season but to seek and find you in all things. Please comfort our companions who suffer these days, especially Donna and Richard. Thank you for all the blessings you have showered upon us, especially companions who pray with and for us. Help us to know your love and mercy as we seek forgiveness for our sins of omission and commission.
Companion Events: Birthdays: Ed Modecker (12/2). In memoriam: Chuck Weingart (11/28/1991).
Keeping In-touch: We celebrated Thanksgiving with two of our daughters (Megan & Lori Beth), a son-in-law (Cullen) and three of our grandchildren (Julianne, Charlie, and Nathan) in a cabin in Estes Park, CO. The beauty of the Rocky Mountains, the awesome food, and the love and laughter filled our spirits with joy.
The Readings: First Sunday of Advent
Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
As we begin a new (liturgical) year we hear that we must be watchful and alert. The Internet, social media, advertising in all it's forms can easily distract us. It takes great discipline for me even to complete my morning pray and evening examen. Hopefully, I will use this Advent Season to become more conscious and awake.