Monday, November 27, 2017

The First Sunday of Advent

                                                                  My Companions pray with me: 

Lord, we hear your call in the Gospel to be watchful and alert. Help us not to succumb to the buying and selling of this season but to seek and find you in all things. Please comfort our companions who suffer these days, especially Donna and Richard. Thank you for all the blessings you have showered upon us, especially companions who pray with and for us.  Help us to know your love and mercy as we seek forgiveness for our sins of omission and commission.

Companion Events: Birthdays: Ed Modecker (12/2)In memoriam: Chuck Weingart (11/28/1991).

Keeping In-touch: We celebrated Thanksgiving with two of our daughters (Megan & Lori Beth), a son-in-law (Cullen) and three of our grandchildren (Julianne, Charlie, and Nathan) in a cabin in Estes Park, CO. The beauty of the Rocky Mountains, the awesome food, and the love and laughter filled our spirits with joy.

The Readings: First Sunday of Advent

Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website

My comments and an invitation for your comments: 
As we begin a new (liturgical) year we hear that we must be watchful and alert. The Internet, social media, advertising in all it's forms can easily distract us. It takes great discipline for me even to complete my morning pray and evening examen. Hopefully, I will use this Advent Season to become more conscious and awake.

Monday, November 20, 2017

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

My Companions pray with me: 
Lord, we celebrate your supreme power and rule over all the universe. But, we know that you revealed yourself as servant and slaughtered lamb. Help us to know the glory that comes in the service of others. Please forgive our selfishness and transform us in the life that you offer to us each minute of the day.

Companion Events: Birthdays: Megan (Lay) Stevens (11/19), Craig McBride (11/19), Fr. Michael Carvill (11/21), Lacey (Kobza) Noterman (11/21), Robert Brown (11/21), Sue Parker (11/21), Zoey Varra (11/21), Joyce Donahue (11/22), Richard Backus (11/23)Anniversary: Michael & Dani Schnitzer (11/19), In memoriam: Dick Smith (11/20/'84), Sam Graber (11/20/2000), Ruby Aesoph (11/21/2013).

Keeping In-touch: Oh how wonderful to celebrate Thanksgiving this week! We are so richly blessed with companions and family. Our mild weather has allowed me to work on "my albatross": cleaning the garage so I can pull the truck in. Marge has begun her baking, so we savor the holiday aromas.

Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website

My comments and an invitation for your comments: 
This Gospel challenges me to question, "What kind of King do I seek to follow? and what has Jesus shown me about kingship?"
Although Jesus gave people food, healed their infirmities, comforted their anxieties, and promised them real hope, he did not lord his powers over them. As St. Paul said, he emptied himself. I will work to follow in the footsteps of my King, not seeking honor or wealth but seek to live fully with my companions serving God's people.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions pray with me: 
Lord, we desire to participate in your glorious life. We know we can not begin to imagine all you have in store for us. Help us channel your love and peace to everyone we encounter. Please comfort all those on our prayer for renewed health list. And lift up all who have gone before us in faith.

Companion Events: Birthdays: Diane Blanchard (11/13), Donna Neal (11/14), Jim Shato (11/15), Christian Koman (11/16), George Stevens (11/17). In memoriam: Lester Prisk (11/13/12), Michael Dahlberg (11/13/16), Louise (Kilday) Smith (11/16/2005), Jean Sampson (11/17/2013), Jeanne Hoiland (11/17/2015), Mary Jepson (11/17/2012), Antoinette DeBore Hogan (11/?/14).

Keeping In-touch: I live such a charmed life but last week a cold in my back slowed me down. I'm ashamed I'm so whiny because I know that many of my companions deal with so much physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering. So I couldn't play tennis but I did more reading and Internet Surfing. The BHS Soccer Team won the 5A State Championship; congratulations to Matthew his fellow coaches and student-players.

Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website

My comments and an invitation for your comments: 
The Lord blessed me with "a fine wife" (1st reading) and has given me many talents; I pray that my efforts will bring Him a good return (Gospel). I have always wondered why no one in this parable invested that which was entrusted to him and lost the investment?? I've concluded that no matter what it looks like from our worldly perspective, our efforts to use our talents for good brings a return for our Master.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions pray with me: 
Lord, I am sad this morning as I think about the 28 people who were killed as they gathered for their worship service yesterday. All the pain of this evil must add to your passion that you endure for us. Help us to welcome your loving kindness and mercy as we struggle to understand and seek to comfort one another.
Thank you for Hutch's successful surgery and continue to comfort Judi and Jack and Richard in their medical treatments. I also add to our prayer list Glen and Steve who are in the hospital.
Thank you for all your wonderful gifts, especially companions who pray and respond to your goodness.Amen

Companion Events: Birthdays:  Joan Carnegie and her sister, Julie (11/5).

Keeping In-touch: With the help of friends I made three repair on the truck. Crawling under the dashboard becomes more difficult each year, but I'm pleased to do a few things to save money. We enjoyed handing-out a few treats on Halloween. And I played some singles and doubles tennis.

Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website

My comments and an invitation for your comments: 
I find that inertia can challenge my physical and spiritual well-being. Eating, drinking, and watching sports on TV is easy; making my daily step goal and keeping active takes effort and commitment. So too, I can easily fall into a habit of rushing through my scripture readings and truncating my evening examen; quality time in prayer also takes effort and commitment.