Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Thanksgiving Prayer

My Companions pray with me: Lord, thank You for all the wonderful gifts you bless us with each day. Especially today, Thanksgiving 2014, our hearts are filled with gratitude. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Keeping In-touch:  Enjoy your family and friends on this special day of thanksgiving. Today, we will join Lori Beth and her "extending family" and you will all be in our prayers of gratitude.

The Readings: Thanksgiving Day

Monday, November 24, 2014

First Sunday of Advent

My Companions pray with me: Lord, You dream that we live fully and become our best selves. May we make that dream real and bring You Glory. Please forgive our small and selfish thoughts, words, and deeds. Help us forgive those who hurt us; often they don't realize their best self. Thank You, especially this week when we have a day set aside for Thanksgiving, for all Your wonderful blessings. We lift up all who suffer physically, emotionally, and spiritually; we know You want them to experience Your mercy and love.

Companion Events: In memoriam: Chuck Weingart (11/28/1991).
Keeping In-touch:  While our relatives and friends in Michigan and New York received a dumping of lake-effect snow we enjoyed a break from our shivering frosty conditions of last week. There were many meetings this week... and I picked-up tasks even from the ones I didn't attend.

Decision Point: Decision Point: The Problem and the Solution

The Readings: The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.

My comments and an invitation for your comments: 
Our Jewish ancestors expected the Lord to care for them and send a messiah. They knew the Lord wanted more for them. I know more each day my need for the Lord. And I pray that I will know and follow His will. I can not imagine how much more joy I will experience each day of my life if I will listen, hear, and follow His great expectations for me. And, as for the Second Coming, I know my feeble imagination will fail to even approach the Lord in all His glory.

Comments, Reflections, Insights...

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

My Companions pray with me: Let us adore You and praise You with every moment of our lives, Lord! Forgive us for failing to remember Your love and share Your love with everyone we encounter. Thank You for all Your gifts. Please provide all we need; we especially pray for all those on our prayer list this week.

Companion Events: Birthdays:George Stevens (11/17), Megan (Lay) Stevens (11/19), Fr. Michael Carvill (11/21), Lacey (Kobza) Noterman (11/21), Zoey Rae Varra (11/12),Joyce Donahue (11/22), Richard Backes (11/23).  Anniversary: Michael and Dani Schnitzer (11/19).  In memoriam: Jean Doreen Sampson (11/17/13), Mary T. Jepson (11/17/12),Richard Smith Jr (11/19/68), Dick Smith (11/20/84), Sam Graber (11/20/2000), Ruby Aesoph (11/21/13).
Keeping In-touch:  We received the blast of frigid weather this week: Tuesday we arose to -14° and -32° windchill...brrrrrrr. We have a new TV provider so we could watch free movies; we saw: 12 Years a Slave, The Book Thief, 42, and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I played a little indoor tennis but we mainly hung-out by the fireplace.

Decision Point: Decision Point: The Jesus Question?

The Readings: The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.

My comments and an invitation for your comments: 
The Lord is our Shepherd and we have so many gifts. This parable challenges us to look at what we have done with our gifts. Are we investing them well (last week's Gospel) and are we serving the least of our sisters and brothers (this week's Good News)?

Comments, Reflections, Insights... 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions pray with me: May we bring You glory Lord by aligning all that we treasure with Your unconditional love. May we find complete sorrow for our failings and selfishness. May our hearts be filled with gratitude as we thank You for the life You have given us. Please provide for all our needs: especially help the poor in our area as the days turn cold, be with Cindi as the doctors work to repair her knee, and continue to bring Matthew strength in his recovery from his stroke.

Companion Events: Birthdays Diane Blanchard (11/13), Jim Shato (11/15) Christian Koman (11/16) .  In memoriam: Louise (Kilday) Smith (11/16/2005).

Keeping In-touch:  Our weather has given us additional time for outdoor activities: tennis... And the highlight for this week came when the Broomfield Boys Soccer Team won the State Championship! Marge and I connected and shared meals with special friends. As always our days passed quickly. We're expecting to say good-bye to our first cough/cold of the season this week.

Decision Point: Decision Point: What's holding you back?

The Readings: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.

My comments and an invitation for your comments: 
I have found the treasures in my life (most importantly, my Bride and my work) and, in a sense, have sold all I am for them. I thank the Lord for these fortunate discoveries and pray that together with these treasures I serve Him well and bring His joy more fully to the world. Let us all take the treasures entrusted to us by Our Lord, invest all our ourselves in them for His glory, and live as faithful servants.

Comments, Reflections, Insights...

Monday, November 3, 2014

Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome

My Companions pray with me: May we praise You by accepting Your great love and allowing it to flow through us. Please forgive our greed and selfishness because it stands in the way of our knowing You and one another. Thank You for all the life You bestow on us each day. And please provide for all our needs.

Companion Events: Birthdays Elonore Kobza (11/4), Larry Pribyl (11/4), Joan Carnegie (11/5), Gail Audino (11/9).

Keeping In-touch:  This first week of "retirement" passed quickly. The days become shorter and the cold we're passing back and forth zaps our energies. But the football watching and tennis playing keep us alive!

Decision Point: What's holding you back? This is personal
 The Readings: Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.

My comments and an invitation for your comments: 
If you're like me, you feel anger when your shown disrespect. I can only begin to imagine how disappointed and angry Jesus must have been encountering the greedy and selfish people of his day who showed no respect for God who loves beyond all measure.

Comments, Reflections, Insights...