Companions pray with me: Let us adore You and praise You with every moment of our lives, Lord! Forgive us for failing to remember Your love and share Your love with everyone we encounter. Thank You for all Your gifts. Please provide all we need; we especially pray for all those on our prayer list this week.
Companion Events: Birthdays:George Stevens (11/17), Megan (Lay) Stevens (11/19), Fr. Michael Carvill (11/21), Lacey (Kobza) Noterman (11/21), Zoey Rae Varra (11/12),Joyce Donahue (11/22), Richard Backes (11/23). Anniversary: Michael and Dani Schnitzer (11/19). In memoriam: Jean Doreen Sampson (11/17/13), Mary T. Jepson (11/17/12),Richard Smith Jr (11/19/68), Dick Smith (11/20/84), Sam Graber (11/20/2000), Ruby Aesoph (11/21/13).
Keeping In-touch: We received the blast of frigid weather this week: Tuesday we arose to -14° and -32° windchill...brrrrrrr. We have a new TV provider so we could watch free movies; we saw: 12 Years a Slave, The Book Thief, 42, and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I played a little indoor tennis but we mainly hung-out by the fireplace.
Decision Point: Decision Point: The Jesus Question?
Readings: The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
The Lord is our Shepherd and we have so many gifts. This parable challenges us to look at what we have done with our gifts. Are we investing them well (last week's Gospel) and are we serving the least of our sisters and brothers (this week's Good News)?
Comments, Reflections, Insights...