Companions pray with me: May we praise You by accepting Your great love and allowing it to flow through us. Please forgive our greed and selfishness because it stands in the way of our knowing You and one another. Thank You for all the life You bestow on us each day. And please provide for all our needs.
Companion Events: Birthdays Elonore Kobza (11/4), Larry Pribyl (11/4), Joan Carnegie (11/5), Gail Audino (11/9).
Keeping In-touch: This first week of "retirement" passed quickly. The days become shorter and the cold we're passing back and forth zaps our energies. But the football watching and tennis playing keep us alive!
Decision Point: What's holding you back? This is personal
Readings: Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
If you're like me, you feel anger when your shown disrespect. I can only begin to imagine how disappointed and angry Jesus must have been encountering the greedy and selfish people of his day who showed no respect for God who loves beyond all measure.
Comments, Reflections, Insights...
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