Companions pray with me: LORD, as we begin a New Church Year, may we praise You by living lives filled with Your Love. Help us prepare for the birth of Christ in our hearts. Forgive us our thoughts, words, and acts of alienation. And bless us with all we need; help us share our gifts with one another. Send your healing Spirit to all who are sick and/or recovering, especially my father and Danni. Please touch Chuck Olson and guide his doctors and and comfort my sister's (Mary) family.
Birthday: Kathy DePriest (12/3). In Memoriam: Chuck Weingart (11/28/1991), Ed Hogan (12/9/1999).
Keeping In-touch: We enjoyed a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner at Lori Beth's in-laws and quietly spent the weekend watching football & puttering around the house. We brought about thirty people together for our first presentation and discussion of Catholics & Muslims. We celebrated Sallie's mother's life (Mary Jepson) at the funeral. And Marge worked a funeral luncheon at Nativity for Doris Weibel. Otherwise, I keep busy at Presentation School and Marge has prepared our home for decorating this weekend.
The Readings: First Sunday of Advent
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments: I keep too busy to worry about "the end of the times" and I rest in the LORD's promise for ultimate peace. I'm challenged, more, to quiet myself in prayers of anticipation of a more full life in Christ this Christmas and through out the new year...
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments: I keep too busy to worry about "the end of the times" and I rest in the LORD's promise for ultimate peace. I'm challenged, more, to quiet myself in prayers of anticipation of a more full life in Christ this Christmas and through out the new year...
Comments, Reflections, Insights...