Friday, October 12, 2012

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions pray with me: LORD, help us to really know that nothing is impossible with you. And help us to find your kingdom by responding to the greatest attractions of our hearts: to be one with you. Do not let us be fooled by the glitter and glamour of riches and wealth so we may inherit eternal life. Grace us, please, will all our needs, especially a quick recovery for Danielle.

Birthdays: Nathan William Gulmantovicz (10/15), Ken Lay (10/15), Josh Parise  (10/19);
In Memoriam: Elizabeth Lay [mom] (10/17/2002), Dick Blake (10/17/2006).

Keeping In-touch: We are sliding into fall, enjoying (most of the time) football games, and delighting in the colors that surround us. We're paying attention to all the political goings-on. And have thought and prayed often for our niece, Danielle (see Mike's note that I just received).

The Readings: Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:  As I try to "make a go" of my services for community building and religious education, I become depressed, that I haven't landed a greater number of  clients who will use the tools we have to share. I'm saddened that have not made this enterprise profitable (as well as prophet-able). I fear that my selfishness and sin keep me from recognizing the working of the LORD in my midst. Am I really willing to sell all I have to follow Jesus? Am I correctly discerning the LORD's will for me (which would be the "greatest desires of my heart"). I'll continue to plug-away, quiet myself, and know the LORD's love and call.

Jesus looks at you and loves you. Can you gradually let go of those things that thwart your love in response?
Or must you go away sad? (Foley S.J.)


Comments, Reflections, Insights...


  1. A few minutes ago, my brother, Mike, wrote:

    Danielle was in surgery for 6-7 hours and the Dr said it went well. We just got to be with her a little while ago and she is recovering from it all and is doing ok considering. We will be taking her back to the hotel shortly so that she can rest.

    Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

  2. John
    as always thanks for keeping us on the straight and narrow.
    reading the readings before liturgy always make the words more alive.

    Anita and Rick
