Companions pray with me: LORD, thank you for my beautiful Bride, the "suitable partner for the man," you have entrusted with me (O.T. reading). Help all people to love deeply!(Foley). May we all grow closer to that most wonderful love of the Trinity. Let us "accept the Kingdom as a child." (Gospel) And thank you for the wonderful color that shines for us this time of year. Please care for Danielle and heal her and bless all who are sick and suffering. Forgive us our selfishness and sinfulness. Please soften our stony hearts and minds to know your will as we choose our next set of leaders. Help us live full lives and bring you glory.
Birthdays: Bill Smith (10/8), Cameron Stevens (10/8), Judy (Stuckle) Lay (10/8), Linda Kent (10/10), Clarley Stevens (10/11),; Anniversary: Pat and Mary Norton (10/10); In Memoriam: Dan Gravelyn (10/9), Frank Low (10/9).
Keeping In-touch: We experienced a fast transition from hot summer to nippy fall days! I kept quit busy, picked-up some work helping my friend David Ward use the VLE for his reflexology course, picked-up a grant searching skill, watched the movie For Greater Glory (3x -- once with our SCC group), put the house back together, and welcomed my Bride home from her visit to Iowa. And this week has almost passed me by with a trip to visit "the gold in them there hills" with Grandma Kobza and working to keep-up with my growing number of projects... there is so much life to live!
The Readings: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments: As I encounter the readings for our celebration I can not but remember all the loving married people in my life who have committed themselves to each other and accepted the responsibility to give a concrete witness to us of the presence of Christ, living the sacrament of matrimony. And I can feel some of the pain of those who anguish because of divorce. Oh how wonderful will be the day when the full inclusion in the explosive love of the Trinity will consume us. Let us enjoy a process of moving closer to that awesome LOVE.
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments: As I encounter the readings for our celebration I can not but remember all the loving married people in my life who have committed themselves to each other and accepted the responsibility to give a concrete witness to us of the presence of Christ, living the sacrament of matrimony. And I can feel some of the pain of those who anguish because of divorce. Oh how wonderful will be the day when the full inclusion in the explosive love of the Trinity will consume us. Let us enjoy a process of moving closer to that awesome LOVE.
May our lives call out "good news" to all we meet this week. And as St. Francis said, "Use words if necessary."
Comments, Reflections, Insights...
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