Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Let us praise our God who reveals Divine Mystery to little ones; who shows God's Self as one riding on the colt of an ass. LORD, take from us our fear, our failure to accept Your awesome love and our retreats to ego.  Give us hearts of gratitude and joy even when we labor and are burdened...help us find rest in You. Thank You for new life in Elizabeth Jane Lay.  Bless us with healing and life especially for Margaret, Wally, Vern and all those on our prayer list.

Birthdays: Elizabeth Jane Lay (6/27/11), Christine (Lay) Parise (6/30), Randy Lumpp (6/30), Allyson Morris (7/1) Anniversary: Cyndie and Tim Andrews (6/28)

Keeping In-touch: I think we were a little overwhelmed this week.  Our hopes may have been a little too high and we were disappointed to acknowledge the challenge we have ahead of us to kill-off the remaining cancers.  It looks like Marge will have the drains removed later this week and we can move around more comfortably.  Matt returned safely from the other side of the world.  All of our "children" and grandchildren arrived to encourage Marge in her healing process.  We could not join in the first summer SCC camping trip but our companions brought back breakfast burritos and fresh trout!!  My nephew and his wife, John & Maggie Lay, were blessed with a daughter yesterday, Elizabeth Jane Lay (she has two special people in the Communion of Saints to send her blessings, my mother and brother Don's daughter).  Later this week Marge's nieces will arrive for their visit to "the ol' West." 

The Readings: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Foley's Reflections: Go Gentle
My comments and an invitation for you: It's easy to say, "We trust in the LORD and find comfort in the LORD."  But then, sometimes, we exhaust ourselves in fear and worry.  So many of you have shown us strength in your loving kindness, your faith, your love of the LORD and your self-less service!  We find strength in our communion with you. We are an Easter People and should live in the comforting assurance of God's Love.  In this light, I will work this week to light my candle of hope and not curse the darkness.

Find rest in the LORD as you prepare for the Assembly this week,


Comments, Reflections, Insights...

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