Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Where will you sit at the dinner?
My Companions:  Let's pray for all the young people that return to "hit the books."  May they grow not only intellectually and physically but also in wisdom and love of God and others.  And help all the teachers in their preparation; may we teach with enthusiasm and joy! (I wrote this yesterday and received Karen's call for more prayers in the evening: see comments)

Birthdays: James Carnegie (8/26).  Anniversaries: Fr Joe Hirsch (d. 8/24), Mike McClanahan (d. 8/28)

Keeping in-touch: We are enjoying a cooling day today; it seems the summer has been especially hot in the Denver area. We touched base with our friend, Gina Feely, and learned about her study of St Paul at Notre Dame University.  Makayla and Julie return to Denver for almost two weeks.  We're all looking forward to our family reunion on Labor Day Weekend; that should be a good time for story-telling!

The Readings: Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley, "Deep within our own selves, in imitation of Jesus, we are capable of making room for love to live in us."
My comments:  Many people have taken our Gospel reading to heart: have you noticed how the back of the church fills up first?  Most of the people I know do "conduct themselves with humility."  I guess the longer we live, the more we take note of how little we know and how short is our time on this planet.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you,


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Please pray with me in thanksgiving for Dan's progress (see Karen's comment).  And also remember Mary C Kircher who passed away this week. Pray for all those who suffer from storms and flooding as well as others with health issues, my sister, Judi, and her daughter, Molly.  Also pray that we recognize the glory and power of God in our lives.

Birthdays: Margie (Czarnecki-Norton) Pintek (8/16),  Katie Lay (8/19).

Keeping in-touch: Our visit with Pat Dolan was wonderful.  We drove Shrine Pass on the way home; that was an adventure.  I'm training the Staff at Immaculate Conception for their use of The Emmaus Institute tools; I so much appreciate their vision and excitement!  Margaret's garden produces much fruit.  The high point of my week was my first meeting of my grand daughter, Makayla; we're looking forward to spending more time with her and Julie when they come back to Denver next week.

The Readings: Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley, "Get to know God now. Do not delay till you get to heaven’s gates and have nothing to show for yourself."

My comments: This seems to be a tough gospel, as Fr. Foley comments.  And it is a challenge to improve our efforts at prayer and meditation.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you,


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

My Companions: Please pray with me for Dr. Phil Bammer who had a heart attack and died on Saturday.  Continue to remember all the people on our lists.  And may we open ourselves to God's Glory as Mary did! 

Birthdays: Neil Cyrus (8/11).  Anniversary: Michele & Mike Lay (8/12)

Keeping in-touch: Dr. Phil (Dr. of Chiropractic) relieved me of intense pain in my back and knee and it seemed like a miracle.  I had not seen him for years but often thought of his gentle, respectful spirit.  He was six months younger than I am; the news of his passing makes me, again, wonder about how fragile life is.  This weekend we will have the opportunity to visit with Pat Dolon in Vail; she graced us with the most wonderful hospitality two years ago when we were in Ireland.  Our summer has been filled with good trips to the Mountains; we had a good time with Connie, Alan, Rachel and Peter as they shared "the ghost stories from the Stanley Hotel": they were much more calm than Stephen King's stories.

The Readings: Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley, "Mary had a lifelong habit of listening to God’s love. She knew the Holy Spirit when she received it."
My comments: My imagination is so puny!  What can it mean to become one, body and soul, with God?  This world is probably more strange than we can (are capable) imagine (Tom Martin).  Some of my protestant friends (or even protesting Catholics) have a difficult time with this wonderful feast, but, for a simple guy like me, it stretches my imagination.  How wonderful a more full experience of the communion of saints will be!

May the peace of Christ be with each of you,


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Please pray with me for Fr. Jack Teeling, SJ who passed away in hospice care at the Jesuit retirement residence in St. Louis.   And we continue to thank God for the renewing health of Dan.  Also continue to pray for Dave's mother (see comment from him) and my friend, Ed Luckett, for renewed health and thanksgiving for successful completion of his CPE work in Salt Lake.  May we live as faithful people.  

Birthdays: Gary Carnegie (8/7)

Keeping in-touch: Matt's moving-out and we're both doing planning work for our Fall class schedules.  Marge and I will have another RMNP camping experience this weekend and will enjoy the cool of the mountains.

The Readings: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley, "In the modern world we develop substitutes for trust and human bonding."
My comments: I wonder what I will be doing on the Day of the Lord??  I'll probably be playing "catch-up" as always...

May the peace of Christ be with each of you,
