My Companions: Please pray with me for Fr. Jack Teeling, SJ who passed away in hospice care at the Jesuit retirement residence in St. Louis. And we continue to thank God for the renewing health of Dan. Also continue to pray for Dave's mother (see comment from him) and my friend, Ed Luckett, for renewed health and thanksgiving for successful completion of his CPE work in Salt Lake. May we live as faithful people.
Birthdays: Gary Carnegie (8/7).
Keeping in-touch: Matt's moving-out and we're both doing planning work for our Fall class schedules. Marge and I will have another RMNP camping experience this weekend and will enjoy the cool of the mountains.
The Readings: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley, "In the modern world we develop substitutes for trust and human bonding."
My comments: I wonder what I will be doing on the Day of the Lord?? I'll probably be playing "catch-up" as always...
May the peace of Christ be with each of you,
An update to my mother's cancer surgery. It appears in removing the tumor, her cancer has been completely removed. No chemo or radiation required. She is still paralyzed from the waist down, although slowly over the past 6 months she is seeing a slight increase in feeling in her legs. We are still hoping for a miracle. The doc gives her 2 years for some recovery. After that no hope. She is learning how to manuver with her disability and we think there is a chance she will be able to come home in a few weeks/months.