Thursday, August 19, 2010

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Please pray with me in thanksgiving for Dan's progress (see Karen's comment).  And also remember Mary C Kircher who passed away this week. Pray for all those who suffer from storms and flooding as well as others with health issues, my sister, Judi, and her daughter, Molly.  Also pray that we recognize the glory and power of God in our lives.

Birthdays: Margie (Czarnecki-Norton) Pintek (8/16),  Katie Lay (8/19).

Keeping in-touch: Our visit with Pat Dolan was wonderful.  We drove Shrine Pass on the way home; that was an adventure.  I'm training the Staff at Immaculate Conception for their use of The Emmaus Institute tools; I so much appreciate their vision and excitement!  Margaret's garden produces much fruit.  The high point of my week was my first meeting of my grand daughter, Makayla; we're looking forward to spending more time with her and Julie when they come back to Denver next week.

The Readings: Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley, "Get to know God now. Do not delay till you get to heaven’s gates and have nothing to show for yourself."

My comments: This seems to be a tough gospel, as Fr. Foley comments.  And it is a challenge to improve our efforts at prayer and meditation.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Everyone!

    Good news - we are home in GR for a long weekend! We will be here until Tuesday and then we'll head back to Detroit Tuesday afternoon sometime. It is SO good to be home - even though it's hot and we don't have air conditioning!

    Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that we got one more part of Dan's biopsy results back and that showed that 100% of the cells in his bone marrow were from his brother - so that is a great thing. It means the transplant worked so far. We are still waiting for the results of the 3rd part of tests which will show any genetic abnormalities in the chromosomes. We have an appointment next Wednesday so we'll probably just find out the results then. I'll let you all know what we find out!

    Other than that, not much new. Just being lazy and trying to keep cool. I'll go to my parents house for dinner tomorrow for a wonderful dinner of chicken turnovers (my most favorite dinner in the world)!!!! I just found that out and am very excited. Thanks Mom!

    I'll send another update when we have more news. Thanks still for all the prayers - they are surely working!!!!

