Monday, April 6, 2009

Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord

My Companions: Please continue to remember Mary Weed, Gary Dixon and Mike McCanahan  and their families as they continue their fights with cancer; the news this week has been very dis-heartening (one of my scripture reflections last week made me reflect on “our job” and our short time in this world Philippians 1:20-26 where Paul reflects on his life and his desire ( ).  I did receive a good news email from Rick Dunn that his treatments went well and he looks forward to working in his New York garden.  Many people hurt from this economy, may all our struggles bring forth renewals.  And Madelaine Lumpp’s surgery will take place on Wednesday. Birthdays this week: I have no events on my calendar this week to share.

Keeping-in-touch: Our trip made this a short week and I enjoyed my work and our last Ignatian Faculty Scholars Day for the school year.  I have much writing to do and hope to produce a “Spirituality and Cyberspace” manuscript in short order but we’ll see.  Our first Old Testament “virtual learning experience” is well underway.  I have much gratitude for Connie Kobza, the facilitator, and all the participants!  We will do good work.

The Readings:

Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley: “Jesus became the night. Jesus is the light..”

My Comments: Like Paul, I want to be with Christ and I also want to toil with my companions.  I also do not know the better choice.  I have experienced love in community and the last gospel reading for Easter Sunday is my favorite with the account of the disciples on the road to Emmaus.  Let us remember those times when our hearts burned within us as we celebrate Easter this year.

What is your experience of Easter?

How do you understand this awesome feast?

Does this event make a difference for you?

How does this event and our celebration change your behavior?


I pray you have a blessed Easter


May the peace of Christ be with each of you.



1 comment:

  1. FYI, Madelaine's procedure went well. She is exhausted and sore, but generally feeling well. The hole was larger than they originally thought, but the doc says they successfully plugged it. I understand that in time the skin grows over the plug. Amazing stuff.
    One of the problems with the hole is that it causes inefficient blood flow away from the heart, depriving the lungs and other things of adequate blood and oxygen. Madelaine reports that already she finds it easier to breathe now than at any time she can remember. She can tell that circulation to her feet has improved.

    Now prayers of thanksgiving. This whole thing is a great blessing in many ways. Thank you and your bloggers for their prayers! Truly a Holy Week for us.

