My Companions, pray with me:
Lord, the world is filled with your power and glory; may you receive true praise from all your creation. Forgive us for our blocking your life within us by our sins of omission or commission. Thank you for all your wonderful gifts, especially your gift of love and life. Please give us all we need and care for all the people struggling in poverty, addiction, sickness, and oppression. Please care for all those struggling because of the earthquake and lava flow in Hawaii. Welcome into your kingdom all who have gone before us, especially my godfather, Leandar Lay. And we pray for all those on our prayer lists.
We ask all of this in Jesus name.
Companion Events: Birthdays: Molly Norton (5/6), Bob Townley (5/7), Sharon McKay (5/7), Pat Norton (5/8), Chris McDermott (5/9), Connie Kobza (5/10), Lynn Nimmo (5/10), Carmen Albiniak (5/12). Anniversary: Taylor & Aaron Castillo (5/10/14), Katie & Jim Frodl (5/11/07). In memoriam: Leandar Lay (5/6/75), Gloria Prymak (5/9/14).
Keeping In-touch: We have returned to our "regular," busy lives. And we praise the Lord for our much needed moisture. The outdoor Spring tasks seem overwhelming now; we'll do one clip and one pick at a time! I keep busy with tennis and golf and an online course. Marge has her yoga, walks, and gatherings with friends and co-workers and church activities.
My comments and an invitation for your comments: I imagine the Ascension so differently than when I listened to the Sisters who taught religion, and all the other subjects, in the 1950s. I no longer imagine "Rocket-ship Jesus" launching from a mountain-pad for a distant place, Heaven. I envision all of creation growing into the glorious fullness of God's loving desire for the world: God's kingdom in all its glory.
I wonder how you imagine the Ascension and if your image-framework has changed!?!