Monday, May 28, 2018

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

My Companions, pray with me: Lord, may we give you glory in our thoughts, words, and deeds as we accept the gift of the body and blood of Christ. May we allow your life and love to shine through us. Forgive us for our selfishness and sin. Thank you for all your gifts, especially for this Holy Sacrament. Please touch all those on our sick list with your healing, comforting hand. And guide those who have gone before us to your light and love, especially on this Memorial Day we pray for the soldiers, sailors, marines, and members of the Air force and Coast Guard who gave their lives for our freedom.
  We ask all of this in Jesus name. 

Companion Events:   Birthdays:  Eloise Georgian (5/29), Marrilou Huemann (5/31),  Al Hardy (6/2). Anniversary: Fr. Ed Poehlman (5/27/67), Nancy & Tom Neihart (5/27/71), Linda & Larry Kent (6/1/--).

Keeping In-touch: I played lots of golf; Marge did lots of planning for trips. The warm weather brings many opportunities for yard work and other tasks. This morning we participated in a beautiful prayer for the men and women who served in the armed forces and have gone before us.

Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website

My comments and an invitation for your comments: Oh what a great Mystery we have in our concrete experience of union with God in the Body and Blood of Christ.

Monday, May 21, 2018

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

My Companions, pray with me: Lord, we rest in the mystery of your revelation as the Most Holy Trinity. And you invite us into this community of love. Forgive us for the times we have refused to delight in your life by our selfish thoughts, words, or actions. Thank you for all the gifts we have; help us to work as good stewards of your gifts. Please provide all that we need to live a full-life. Help all those on our prayer list who seek renewed health in mind and/or body. Welcome all into your divine light, especially my friend's father, Lawrence Pribyl.
  We ask all of this in Jesus name. 

Companion Events:   Birthdays:  Michael Ross (5/26). Anniversary: Kathy and Mike DePriest (5/22/82). In memoriam: Gary Dixon  (5/20/09), Mike Norton (5/21/87), Thomas Dildine (5/22/10), Lawrence Pribyl (5/14/18).

Keeping In-touch: We received some good moisture. Our landscape turns an emerald green and we enjoy the freshness in the air.

Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website

My comments and an invitation for your comments: I found this statement about Karl Rahner's book The Trinity to reflect on, "God reveals just who God is in the events of salvation. The revelation of Father, Son, and Spirit as they are revealed in scripture and in our own experience by God just is God."

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Pentecost Sunday

My Companions, pray with me: Lord, how can we praise you for all your glory? When we stop to appreciate your creation and all your goodness we simply sit amazed. Forgive us or our thoughts, our words, and our deeds that keep from participating in your glory. Thank you for all your wonderful gifts especially your gift of the Holy Spirit to bring your life within us. As you answer all our prayers, especially our prayers for companions to be renewed in their health, help us to understand the work of your healing hand. Welcome all our departed brothers and sisters to the fullness of your kingdom, especially those on our list and those who have no one to pray for them.
  We ask all of this in Jesus name. 

Companion Events:   Birthdays:  Matthew Peterson (5/15), Pat Backes (5/15). Anniversary: Jen and Eli DeQuiroz (5/13/12). In memoriam: Gerald Klaus  (5/18/1987), William Wooten (5/18/17).

Keeping In-touch: We simply enjoyed lots-a-golf, a little tennis, and time with friends (John); yoga exercises, crafts, meeting with friends, and time with friends and Spring growing things (Marge). We appreciated all the "pennies from heaven"/"we can always use the moisture.

The Readings: Pentecost Sunday

Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website

My comments and an invitation for your comments: I imagine the fear and confusion of the Apostles as waited for the courage and strength to continue the mission they were given by Christ. Then, with the Holy Spirit, they were given the strength and courage they needed to step out into the world. I need to be more open to the Spirit giving me strength and courage.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Ascension of the Lord Seventh Sunday of Easter

My Companions, pray with me:
Lord, the world is filled with your power and glory; may you receive true praise from all your creation. Forgive us for our blocking your life within us by our sins of omission or commission. Thank you for all your wonderful gifts, especially your gift of love and life. Please give us all we need and care for all the people struggling in poverty, addiction, sickness, and oppression. Please care for all those struggling because of the earthquake and lava flow in Hawaii. Welcome into your kingdom all who have gone before us, especially my godfather, Leandar Lay. And we pray for all those on our prayer lists. 
  We ask all of this in Jesus name. 

Companion Events:   Birthdays:  Molly Norton (5/6), Bob Townley (5/7), Sharon McKay (5/7), Pat Norton (5/8), Chris McDermott (5/9), Connie Kobza (5/10), Lynn Nimmo (5/10), Carmen Albiniak (5/12). Anniversary: Taylor & Aaron Castillo (5/10/14), Katie & Jim Frodl (5/11/07). In memoriam: Leandar Lay (5/6/75), Gloria Prymak (5/9/14).
Keeping In-touch: We have returned to our "regular," busy lives. And we praise the Lord for our much needed moisture. The outdoor Spring tasks seem overwhelming now; we'll do one clip and one pick at a time! I keep busy with tennis and golf and an online course. Marge has her yoga, walks, and gatherings with friends and co-workers and church activities.

Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website

My comments and an invitation for your comments: I imagine the Ascension so differently than when I listened to the Sisters who taught religion, and all the other subjects, in the 1950s. I no longer imagine "Rocket-ship Jesus" launching from a mountain-pad for a distant place, Heaven. I envision all of creation growing into the glorious fullness of God's loving desire for the world:  God's kingdom in all its glory.
I wonder how you imagine the Ascension and if your image-framework has changed!?!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Sixth Sunday of Easter

My Companions, pray with me:
Lord, we praise you and wonder at all your creation and goodness in life. We are shamed at our failures to love and seek your forgiveness. Thank you for all your gifts. Please continue to give us all that we need to grow in your love and serve you. We seek your blessings for all those in special need of your loving care. Welcome all to your glorious light especially those who have no one to pray for them.
  We ask all of this in Jesus name. 

Companion Events:   Birthdays:  Rae Ryan (5/1), Anna Margaret DeBaar (5/3), Mike Hennigan (5/3), Tom Reynolds (5/3), Willy Smith (5/5). Anniversary: Al andTeresa Hardy (5/2/87). In memoriam: Elaine Hebert (5/2/13).

Keeping In-touch: We made it home and appreciate our home and bed, but still need to catch-up on our rest. We enjoyed the opportunity to share Davey and Makayla's birthdays and be with our California family. The Ocean showed us its grace and power...

The Readings: Sixth Sunday of Easter

Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website

My comments and an invitation for your comments: How can we love as Jesus loved? We first need to know his awesome love for us. Then, maybe, we can remove some of our "stinking thinking" and live in the world with compassion, hope and service-filled love.