Lord, cast out all the unclean spirits in us or among us that seek to take us away from your love and mercy. Help us to acknowledge your glory among us and lead others to the fullness of life that you offer. Forgive us for the times we have chosen to seek pleasure or comfort in false prophesy that is set before us, or by avoiding responding to the good you offer. Thank you for all the gifts we have received, help us to use all of these to help build your kingdom. Please care for all who suffer physical, emotional, or spiritual challenges, especially those on our "renewed health" list. Welcome all who have gone before us into your guiding light. We ask all of this in Jesus name.
Companion Events: Birthdays: Gayle Schroeder (1/17; missed last week), Molly (Cole) Komon (1/23), James L Green (1/24), Michael Sheeran, SJ (1/24). Anniversary: Greg & Diane Blanchard (1/25/'76). In memoriam: Paul Pitzen (1/26/2008), Wally Shultz (1/27/2014).
Keeping In-touch: We finally received some measurable snowfall. It looks and feels like winter now. Otherwise we've had a normal week... old man poker, a little tennis, yoga, and walks in the neighborhood.
The Readings: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website
My comments and an invitation for your comments: Once I received a phone call and heard a desperate request to help a young man "with the devil in his head." I responded the best I could, not knowing much about devils (I had studied psychology, philosophy, and religious studies...before that, math and chemistry.). I listened to the young man's story. We prayed together. And I experienced the comforting power of Our Lord. I still don't know much about devils, but I will never forget the experience, and I will always open myself to the power of Jesus in my life.
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