My Companions pray with me: Lord, may we bring you glory by listening and following Your word. Forgive us for not listening to your prophets. Thank You for all Your gifts. And continue to bless us with all that we need. Please grant the prayers we have listed as well as those that remain in the quiet of our hearts. Amen
Companion Events: Birthdays: Christine Lay (6/30), Randy Lumpp (6/30), Allyson Morison (7/1), Timothy Strick (7/3), Ed Poehlmann (7/4), Thomas Hunt (7/4). In memoriam: Gerald Klaus (7/1/1987).
Keeping In-touch: The trip to Rocky Mountain National Park brought relaxation and delightful sights of elk, deer, and snowy mountains. Our truck broke-down on the way to Mount Rushmore in Cheyenne. Lori Beth and family were pounded with hail in Custer, S.D.
Decision Point: What is Love?
The Readings: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
It seems to me that Jesus could not do anything if people didn't have faith in him. The people needed to trust Jesus and open themselves to Him. To whom, to what are we faithful??
My Companions pray with me: Lord, let us know Your love and Your healing power and give You praise. Forgive our lack of faith and for not seeking You for all we need. Thank You for all the gifts You give us, especially our health and life itself. We ask for all our needs and ask You to bless all of our Companions and our petitions. Amen
Companion Events: Birthdays: Nancy Mulligan (6/23), Callie Nicole Johnson (6/27), Elisabeth Jane [Ellie] Lay (6/27), Stephen Lay (6/19), Leo Albiniak (6/28). In memoriam: Symantha Carnegie (6/26/2012)
Keeping In-touch: Summer arrived in a heat wave. I was able to play in the USTA District 6.0 Mixed Doubles Intermountain District Tournament. Our team did very well; me, not so much. Temps were in the 90s. My out-a-town girls call me for Father's Day and Lori Beth and Matt came to visit. We're looking forward to our camping trip to Rocky Mountain National Park and Mount Rushmore.
Decision Point: Choose Your Friends Wisely
The Readings: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
This week Mark, the Evangelist, sandwiches his story of Jairus faith between that of the woman with a hemorrhage and her great faith. In this I hear a call to turn my troubles to The Lord and to include The Lord in all my joys in life.
My Companions pray with me: Lord, especially in the stormy times of life we praise You, Lord. Please forgive our fear and moaning when we experience tough times. Thank You for all the gifts You give us, especially our health and life itself. We ask for all our needs and ask You to bless all of our Companions and our petitions. AmenCompanion Events: Birthdays: Andrew Kornacki (6/15), Gina Feely (6/15), Jim Frodl (6/19), Stephen Lay (6/19), Greg Serveiss (6/20). Father's Day (6/21/15).Keeping In-touch: We have received much rain again this week and wish we could share some with our California neighbors and all who need water. Decision Point: Decision Point: RelationshipsThe Readings: Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J. My comments and an invitation for your comments: The Lord always cares for our lives. We may be distracted by the storms in our lives, but we must learn to turn to The Lord and know He will bring us through all of our troubled times.
My Companions pray with me: Lord, may our little faith bring You glory. Forgive us for our failures to allow the desire You have placed in our hearts to grow. Thank You for the gift of faith and all Your goodness among us. And please hear the petitions for all of our poor, sick, and suffering. Amen
Companion Events: Birthdays: Amanda Dixon (6/9), Julianne Stevens (6/10). Anniversaries: Marge and John Lay (6/18/1973), Ann and Bob Romadka (6/8/1974), Renee and Randy Lumpp (6/8/1975), Melissa and Neil Cyrus (6/10/2002), Deacon Antonio Sandoval (6/11/1973), Eloise and Phil Georgian (6/10/1965).
Keeping In-touch: We have little to share from last week we're basically into a summer mode with many rainy days.
Decision Point: Decision Point: Bear Bate
The Readings: Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
Even when we use our scientific knowledge to explain the working of seeds and the growth of all living things, all of life remains a mystery to us. God's working in our lives grows goodness among us. We only need a little faith, commitment and cooperation with Ultimate Mystery, to allow God's Kingdom to flourish in our midst.
My Companions pray with me: Lord, as we receive your Holy Body and Blood may we more fully accept your self-giving love and bring you glory with our hearts and minds and hands, with our whole being. Forgive us for the times we have failed to open ourselves to you and bring your life to others. Thank you for all your gifts and blessings. And provide for all our needs, especially for our sick family and friends and all in our world who suffer persecution and neglect. Amen
Companion Events: Birthdays: Al Hardy (6/2), Kris Fitzgerald-Rohr (6/4), Ann Romadka (6/5), Melinda Felix (6/5). Anniversaries: Linda and Larry Kent (6/1/). In memoriam: Grace Blake (6/5/2015)
Keeping In-touch: We have enjoyed some sun last week and have begun to appreciate days without rain. Soon we will again, probably, be parched and cry out for moisture. We see the suffering of the people in Texas who have too much water and those in California that have too little water. We count our blessings and pray for all who suffer from tragic weather.
Decision Point: Decision Point
The Readings: The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
The wonderful Mystery of the Eucharist humbles me, makes me stop in my tracks to contemplate how God so much desires that we become one with him. Too often I fail to appreciate how intimate God desires to be with us... this is frightening, but life-giving.
Comments, Reflections, Insights...