Monday, June 1, 2015

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

My Companions pray with me: Lord, as we receive your Holy Body and Blood may we more fully accept your self-giving love and bring you glory with our hearts and minds and hands, with our whole being. Forgive us for the times we have failed to open ourselves to you and bring your life to others. Thank you for all your gifts and blessings. And provide for all our needs, especially for our sick family and friends and all in our world who suffer persecution and neglect. Amen

Companion Events: Birthdays: Al Hardy (6/2), Kris Fitzgerald-Rohr (6/4), Ann Romadka (6/5), Melinda Felix (6/5). Anniversaries: Linda and Larry Kent (6/1/)In memoriamGrace Blake (6/5/2015)

Keeping In-touch: We have enjoyed some sun last week and have begun to appreciate days without rain. Soon we will again, probably, be parched and cry out for moisture. We see the suffering of the people in Texas who have too much water and those in California that have too little water. We count our blessings and pray for all who suffer from tragic weather. 

Decision Point: Decision Point

The Readings: The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 

Some CommentaryFr. John Foley, S. J. 

My comments and an invitation for your comments:  
The wonderful Mystery of the Eucharist humbles me, makes me stop in my tracks to contemplate how God so much desires that we become one with him. Too often I fail to appreciate how intimate God desires to be with us... this is frightening, but life-giving.

Comments, Reflections, Insights...

1 comment:

  1. This is the most important gift Jesus left for us. Communion with Him in the Eucharist is the most personal encounter we can ever have with anyone. He give us His body and blood to help us be more like Him in acting in this world for the benefit of others. Our service to those around us is His service to the world, and we are honored to have any part of it! Thank you, Jesus, for this great gift!

    Donna Jorgenson Farrell
