Monday, March 17, 2014

Third Sunday of Lent

My Companions pray with me: LORD, may our lives lived with joy and service bring You glory and honor always. And when we fall, help us to know Your love and Your mercy as we seek forgiveness from those we have hurt and from You. Thank you for all Your gifts, especially the healing process for John Hoiland and the comfort Caitlin is receiving. Please give us what we need, help us to seek Your "living water."

Birthdays: Charlie Stevens (3/17), Lindsay Smith (3/17), Rick Dunn (3/17), Trish Buckley (3/17), Bob Weed (3/18), Chris Norton, (3/19), Karen Carnegie (3/22), Dorothy (Himpleman) Pitzen (3/23), Rachel (Kobza) Vera (3/23), Sallie Dembeck (3/23) . In memoriam: Myron Defrancia (3/17/2012).

Keeping In-touch: We kept busy with the regular happenings of this week. And we eagerly anticipated Margaret's clan's "high holy day": St Patrick's Day... But more enthusiastically does my Bride await her trip to the Heartland to visit the grand children and their parents.
The Readings: Third Sunday of Lent

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments: 

This is one of my favorite Gospel readings. Jesus asks for a drink of water and the woman wants to initiate a theological debate. The woman's experience, probably one of rejection and subordination, has kept her from encountering Jesus more fully. She invites others to this encounter with Jesus who knows everything she's ever done but continues to ask, "...could he possibly be the Christ?" I know that I have failed to reply to others meaningfully when I felt insecure or inferior... and may have missed The Lord's request for a life-giving response.

Comments, Reflections, Insights...

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