Friday, June 25, 2010

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Companions: Let us pray for all who have gone before us: Tom's brother, Pat Duggan, died on the 18th, and for all who struggle with illness: my sister, Judi, is in the hospital; but we have good news that Dan's treatments have been successful thus far and the transplant is planned for July 8th (please continue to pray for Dan and Karen).  Let's pray for the poor as we work to understand the dynamics of poverty and work to do good work.  And pray for all our intentions either listed here or floating in cyberspace!  

Birthdays: Christine (Lay) Parise (6/30),  Randy Lumpp (6/30),  Allyson Morris (7/1)

Keeping-in-touch: We've kept busy and cool as the summer heats-up.  We'll camp with the Lincoln grand children, their parents and our small church community this weekend.  Then we'll return to finish-up classes, promote the C4C Denver Event, and plan for Fall Courses.  I've begun building a course (for blended, online and in person, adult education on "Poverty in America" and received some good input from my friend, Dave Larson; this is a complex issue and we need to dialogue and examine assumptions... like so many things.  Maybe some of you who read this blog once-in-a-while would like to join in the creation and participation of this effort!?!

The Readings: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Comments on the readings: Fr. Foley:  "Jesus is saying that Christianity (and Catholicism) are challenges, not just warm blankets. Jesus values God more than safe sleep, than family funerals, even more than courtesy to family and friends."
My Comments: As Fr. Foley comments: Jesus gives us some hard, difficult challenges in this reading.  We really can't "look back" if that takes us away from living the life given to us to participate in the Kingdom of God!  Also, the second reading presents a challenge that is sometimes hidden: have we really accepted God's love for us and thus develop a healthy "self-love"?  How can we "love others as we love our self" if we do not take time to rest in the loving presence of God, who is Love?

May the peace of Christ be with each of you. 


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