Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Special Post! Makayla Beth Schnitzer arrived!

Pray for and celebrate New Life!!

Makayla Beth Schnitzer & her mommy!

Julie and Jason went to the hospital on Monday (4/26) around 8:00 A.M.  This morning, Wednesday (4/28) at 7:45 A.M. Makayla Beth Schnitzer arrived about 21" high and weighing 8 lbs 12 oz.

Nana Margaret received this picture in her email shortly after the arrival... but she wasn't at her computer.  Papa John noticed the following anouncement on Facebook:

Matthew Lay Yahoo! She's come 9 days after her ETA, but my new neice is finally here! The stork dropped off Makayla Beth this morning:) Congratulations Julie and Jason! I'll put some soccer shoes in the mail for her...

Julz just called and Mommie's exhausted and Baby's adjusting to the world.  I think Daddy's a little spacy.

Nana Margaret will board the big silver bird this evening and officially welcome our new little one: Makayla Beth Schnitzer.

Blessings to all,


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fifth Sunday of Easter

My Companions: Let us pray for all our loved ones especially Julie and Jason and their daughter who doesn't seem ready to be born.  I'm thankful for Marge's recovery from the flu that knocked her out last week.  Pray for Hayley (Smith) Foresman and Eddie: Hayley was pregnant with twins, very early in the pregnancy, and lost them this past week.  Our list is long... and our blessings are numerous.

Birthdays: (none on my calendar this week)

Keeping-in-touch: I really admire the men from Nativity Parish who planned and participated in the men's retreat last weekend (over 30 men attended).  Marge had me rototill the garden and she's planting a few plants and seeds before she takes off for San Jose.  We're so happy for the Springtime.

The Readings: Fifth Sunday of Easter

Comments on the readings: Fr. Foley: "And yet, isn’t love the very essence of human life?" reference to Nickel Creek: the hand song.
My Comments: The pharse is so easy, "love one another."  The practice, at times difficult, brings its reward: the presence of God.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fourth Sunday of Easter

My Companions: Let us pray for all the people who are displaced because of the Iceland Volcano. Let's pray, and do what we can, for the people suffering in poverty: may the “Cycling for Change” event, this summer, raise our consciousness of the plight of the poor and help us to respond in responsible ways. Please, Lord, help the unemployed and under employed; change the hearts of those whose selfishness and greed causes such pain. Help everyone on our lists and thank You for the glorious life you give us each day.  Thank you for Ed Luckett's new full-time job and be with Deb as she struggles with gallstones.

Birthdays: Pat Serveiss (4/16),. Anniversaries: Fr Michael Carvill (4/22), my mother (d.) & dad (4/23)

Keeping-in-touch: I missed last week (and didn't write about Our Risen Christ grilling fish); none of my companions called me on my dereliction so you all must have been finishing your taxes also! We still have no new baby in San Jose and Marge has changed her flight... looks like the doctor will push Julie along if nothing happens by Monday. My colleagues in Omaha and at Ignation Scholars have given me wonderful critique for the development of adult education on interfaith dialogue; so I'm back on the drawing board. This weekend I will join men of Nativity Parish for a retreat in Estes Park so I take extra time to pray for all of you (no phone or Internet... I'll surely have D Ts)

The Readings: Fourth Sunday of Easter

Comments on the readings: Fr. Foley: "I have a hunch that you do recognize Jesus’ voice when you hear it."
My Comments: We have a wonderful Gospel: “I know mine and mine know Me.”

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Second Sunday of Easter

My Companions: Let us pray for all who need encouragement in the Love of God: those depressed or sick or saddened by life's trials.  But let's not forget to praise the Lord for all the glory that surrounds us each day.  Our list is long and filled with sorrows and joys (keep me posted on the glory you discover and the sorrows for our prayer and compassion).

Birthdays: late: Mark Schnitzer (4/3).

Keeping-in-touch: We enjoyed a quiet Easter, actually found a seat at the early Mass (in the choir space).  I do hope all our "distant companions" who rarely join in our assembly may have a powerful experience of Christ's love and more fully participate this Easter Season and through-out the year.  I hope we can all live as "the gathering of the gifted."
     Julie's due date will arrive fairly soon and Marge will travel to San Jose' to help-out.  We'll need to prepare Marge's garden soon.  Oh what a delightful time of year!
     I keep busy with classes and my efforts to build a network of religious educators using the Internet together.  I'm excited about building a course based on Jonathan Bender's play, In the Belly of the Whale.

The Readings: Second Sunday of Easter

Comments on the readings: Second Sunday of Easter, Fr Foley: "...his choice was surprisingly simple. It was taken in the absence of any proof, since proofs emerge from choice, they do not precede it."
My Comments: I can relate to the Apostles and Thomas: I find myself afraid and, at times, doubting the things I have "spent myself" in life.  But, as Fr Foley writes, I make choices and find direction in them (sometimes a call to make an about-face!).

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
