Monday, January 19, 2009

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions:
We have two more advocates “on the other side”: Alan Kobza’s Aunt and Godmother, Sylvia Dalka, died last week and below you see the notice of Fr Denny Dwyer’s passing. Otherwise, I’ve not heard much new. I did fail to make note of two birthdays last week: Cullen Stevens and Mary Norton (sorry, hope you celebrated well). I have only one this week, Molly Komon.

I kept very busy last week, Marge spent the week in Lincoln with the grandchildren and their parents. (Marge hitched a ride with Alan and Connie as they traveled to attend Aunt Sylvia’s funeral). To my Bride's astonishment, I somehow survived! I caught up on a couple items on the “honey do list” and hung-out with Joan and Gary. We’ve enjoyed temperatures in the 60s, so the tennis is good. I’m having a little trouble “quieting myself” in prayer… gotta let the Lord take over!

The Readings:
Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle

Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley: “Let’s listen in quiet, and then, by following, learn what we have heard”
My Reflections: When I think of the response of the Apostles to Jesus’ call I can’t help but wonder if they had any idea of what they were getting into! And when I reflect on Jonah’s resistance I think of the (very few) people with whom I would rather not associate… maybe I’m called in a special way to show love to them. Think about how much energy it would take “to be on fire” like St Paul!

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


1 comment:

  1. My Aunt Betty Deutch passed away on Tuesday let's pray for her soul that she can rest in peace and love.
