Monday, November 24, 2008

First Sunday of Advent

My Companions:
Blessings for all, as always. In this space I try to keep you informed concerning “my companions.” Some of you know each other and some of your circles do not intersect, but we graciously appreciate all your prayers.
This week I really hope you will take some special time for prayers of thanksgiving for our elders who have shared their faith and their love through the years. I’m thinking of my father, Edmund Lay, who I have recently visited and Eleanore Kobza (Alan’s mother) who will celebrate “four score” years with her family this week.
You may have noticed two new names I’ve added to pray for renewed health: I have worked with John Kane and Pat O’Donnell and heard of their situations through other friends this week; may the LORD and their family and friends bring them comfort. And keep your prayers coming for Mary Weed. Also, I learned on FaceBook that Korinda Knowlton’s father died, so I added his name to our list.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I have no birthdays or anniversaries on my calendar this week.

I have recovered from my cold and have almost caught-up on my regular tasks. Dave Larson helped with video editing advice so I should start editing mini-lectures this week when my new software arrives. I’m ready to launch some of my work.
I heard Chris Lowney (Heroic Leadership) speak a few times last week: the principles of self-knowledge, ingenuity, heroism and love can help us enliven our world! He challenges us to serve as “leaders of leaders”!
We should have a quiet Thanksgiving but “word on the street” recommends we plan for a loving, family rally at Christmas.

The Readings:

Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley shares a Hopkins poem (and I appreciate the footnote… I have limited skill and appreciation of poetry … maybe, with patience, I will grow).
The new (Church) year has begun (cycle B for our readings)!
I pray the “The Potter” will more fully mold this clay this Advent, that I may more fully receive Christ this Christmas. I need to be watchful; I need to be alert… in what ways will the LORD come to my home this year?

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Monday, November 17, 2008

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King

My Companions:
Blessings for everyone: Father Denny Dwyer has been hospitalized as he fights diabetes; he needs our prayer. Mary Weed has renewed fight of her cancer and Nic Lumpp returned from his trip to the Far East and also found some success in Europe in the fundraising efforts for Somaly Mam ( Other wise I have no news. This week I find, on my calendar, birthdays for George Stevens, Megan Stevens and Lacey Kobza!!

As I recover from a cold, I play “catch-up” from all my travels. Except for the holidays, things should slow down for our busy lives.

The Readings:

Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley challenges us: sheep or goats???

My Reflections: I never much liked being likened to a sheep, I guess I don’t like resembling a dumb animal that “just follows.” The movement of “seeking God in all things” appeals to me more, even with an appreciation of the Lord’s unconditional initiation of Love. I work and pray that my efforts will serve the “Habiru”* of our post-modern world because my work will help build more compassionate men and women, communities, that appropriate the Story and Vision of Christ.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


*Carol Redmount who wrote 'Bitter Lives: Israel in and out of Egypt' in The Oxford History of the Biblical World concluded that the term "Habiru" had no common ethnic affiliations, that they spoke no common language, and that they normally led a marginal and sometimes lawless existence on the fringes of settled society.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions:
From my travels I can report that my father is doing well and we arrived in Grand Rapids to witness Mary Weed’s “bounce-back” from her very bad set-back (thank you all, for we experienced the power of prayer). This visit helped Marge very much. Judy Cole still needs prayers as she adjuBoldsts to her daughter’s decisions. I have not heard much more from all of you so I’m assuming our prayers ring gratitude, praise and forgiveness for the poor use of our talents. I have no events on my calendar this week except to celebrate the gifts of our Veterans!

I can only share that no moss has grown on me. I returned from Chicago, attended a talk by Fr. Dan Groody on Immigration and headed with my lovely Bride to Grand Rapids via Lincoln. We head back early tomorrow and arrive in time to teach a class Thursday evening and attend Faculty Ignatian Scholars all day Friday. It’s a fine life! Fr. Dan’s presentation really challenged me and some of my outlook on the dire situation of these poor brothers and sisters of ours. And my experience of family has enriched my soul.

The Readings:

Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley helps us reflect on God’s awesome love and the value of “talent.”:

My Reflections I have to thank the Lord that I have found “a worthy wife” (first reading). I also struggle with the examination of my use of my talent (Gospel and Fr. Foley’s commentary). So many of you who read this have invested your lives so well and have been “evangelists” with your lives.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome

My Companions:
Mary Weed came home from the hospital this week and Marge tells me Mary sounds stronger each time they talk on the phone. Kim Dixon writes that Gary has some good days. My sister, Judy, has difficulties with Molly’s disease… so we still need prayers. I’m writing before the election tally; so God’s will be done. My calendar shows birthdays for Mike Norton and Larry Pribyl.

My trip to Chicago gave me “a shot in the arm” as I listened to the research of others. I hope these new experiences will help me in my work. I have had a wonderful time visiting Pa! Although I didn’t play tennis I exercised by walking the Loop each day. The weather in Chicago surpassed all expectations: Indian Summer Supreme!

The Readings:

Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley comments on Jesus’ behavior chasing out the money changers:

My Reflections: We read, “zeal for your house consumes me” and this challenges me to reflect on my concerns: for what would I risk everything? I know I do not want to experience crucifixion (and neither did Jesus) but I do want to live in the God who is Love.