Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions:
I have heard wonderful reports from Connie on her service to the people at Good Sam Hospital. No news on change as my Aunt, Agnes is still in the hospital/rehab and Gary Dixon is “hanging-in-there.” From my “Event Calendar”: Chris Lay and Eric Olson Birthdays and Chuck and Mary Olson’s Anniversary.

I’m happy to report that Marge returned and had a wonderful time with Meg, Cullen, Julianne and Charlie. I presented my vision to people in Colorado Springs, they seemed receptive but the opportunity to work with traditional undergraduates (substituting at Regis College) enlivened and encouraged me. I played some tennis and we celebrated with friends at Broomfield Days, a Cyrus BBQ and small church community (Neil and Mark cooked great BBQ and Mexican Cuisine). Our attention has turned from the washed-up Rockies to the lucky Broncos and, of course, the leadership (or lack thereof) in our political and economic world.

The Readings:

Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley challenges us with the question, “Why be good?” Are you willing to suffer for others?http://www.liturgy.slu.edu/26OrdA092808/reflections_foley.html
My Reflections“

Tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you.” What a challenge! And what is “the kingdom of God” anyway? I desire to live in the Mystery of Divine Love, but does that mean I have to love everyone? I say, “Yes, I will work to build your kingdom of love.” But do I really, just go about my plans, my business? Do I have to love those in power who by their selfish actions suck the life out of our social network? Do I have to love those who “step on me” to advance their own careers? Or, more painfully, must I love those who ignore me? And, must I acknowledge every Bozo who places demands on me? Must I “empty myself” and forgive those who will spit on me or ostracize me? Oh, forgive me for my “spitting-on,” “stepping-on” and “ignoring.” And help me to forgive others.

I think it would be easier to “fight for Christ” than “love with Christ.”

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


1 comment:

  1. John,
    As discussed today, would you please add Dorothy Anne Seese (Joan's cousin in AZ) to the Prayer Request Department?
