Lord, we praise for pruning and testing us to show us the way to your love. Forgive us for "growing wildly" and ignoring your plans for living fully with you. And thank you for all the fruits you send us each day. Please give us all that we need to live in peace and help grow your kingdom. Bring all our deceased friends and loved ones to your glorious care. And help all those in pain and suffering especially those who have no one to pray and care for them.
We ask all of this in Jesus name.
Companion Events: Birthdays: Kevin Norton (4/22), Logan Felix (4/23), Kim Dixon (4/24), David Schnitzer (4/26), Kathy Shultz (4/26), Steve Jacobs (4/27), Greg Blanchard (4/27), Makayla Schnitzer (4/28). In memoriam: Caroline B. "Carol" Kowis (4/27/13).
Keeping In-touch: We continue to live the high life experiencing the desert around Phoenix and now celebrating birthdays by the Pacific Ocean and the Monterey Coast. We had a pleasant visit with my sister, Mary, and her son, Michael. Julie and her family continue to thrive in California.
The Readings: Fifth Sunday of Easter
Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website
My comments and an invitation for your comments: I don't think many people look forward to the pain of being pruned, but most of us know the experience of growing through discomfort and pain. May the Lord prepare us to allow Jesus to live in us and through us.