Lord, we remember, especially this week, your suffering and death on the cross. We humbly seek forgiveness for our sins that cause such pain and anguish. Open our hearts and live your love through us so we experience your Resurrection from the dead each day. Please help all who suffer from physical and psychological pain; help them to know how you suffer with them and seek to bring us abundant life.
We ask all of this in Jesus name.
Companion Events: Birthdays: Carlos Garcia (3/26), Jay Klaus (3/26), Greg Stokes (3/29), Mark Ross (3/29), Michael Olson (3/29), Marty Sipos (3/23). In memoriam: Gorden McKeller (3/27/14).
Keeping In-touch: We kept very busy with chores around the house last week. And, of course, we celebrated growth in wisdom (maybe), grace (maybe), and age (for sure). We finished the Breathing Underwater presentations and look forward to our celebration of Holy Week and Easter. We wish you all a Blessed Easter.
The Readings: Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of the Lord
Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website
My comments and an invitation for your comments: I can become overwhelmed when I contemplate all the suffering in our world. Without knowing that God has taken on all this suffering and has joined in all the pain we can find no excuse for all of it. Not only does the Lord suffer with us, we have been given a glimpse of the glory that is to come. Let us not live in doubt and despair, let us live in hope...great expectation.