Companions pray with me: Lord, we bring You glory when we follow Your commands because they lead us to life lived to the full. Forgive us for the times we have not followed Your commands and have not had a zeal for Your house. Thank You for all the blessings You bestow on us. Grant us all we need to know, love, and serve You and our sisters and brothers.
Companion Events: Bithdays: Bill Lay (3/8). In memoriam: Sam Eccher (3/6/2010).
Keeping In-touch: I'm still playing "catch-up" but I see the light at the end of the tunnel; or at least the light between tunnels! Our winter weather has shown-up... just as we readied ourselves for Spring (we thank the Lord that we do not live in the Chicago or Boston areas). Marge and I have recommitted ourselves to working toward our 10,000 steps and have been going to the rec center. It's no wonder we're not "in shape," we used to have to join the morning and evening traffic rat-race and work with other people...
Decision Point: Decision Point: - The Power of Habit
Readings: Third Sunday of Lent
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
I can imagine Jesus' responding to those who would miss-use the One Temple for their own profit. I too become angry when I encounter people who belittle others (temples of the Holy Spirit) for their own monetary gain or popularity. Let us live as free men and women honoring everyone we encounter and seek God in all things.
Comments, Reflections, Insights...
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