Companions pray with me: Lord, how can we give You praise and worship You? Help us listen to Your whispers that You speak in the depths of our hearts, respond to them, live abundantly, and bring You glory in our lives. Forgive us, especially our sins of busyness, where we don't listen to our hearts and know the guidance You have placed there. Our hearts are filled with gratitude and we thank You for all the life You give us. And we beg for all we need especially health for our companions and bread for the poor among us. Like Nicodemus, we seek You out and request the fullness of life.
Companion Events: Birthdays Mary Kate Weed (9/13), Taylor (Smith) Castillo (9/13). Anniversary: Joan and Gary Carnegie (9/8/??).
Keeping In-touch: We have begun to settle down from all our travels... at least for a month or so. My "news" is late this week but I'm catching-up on tennis (winter indoor breakfast league has begun), homework, and other odds-n-ends. Nathan has been able to help Nana make cookies and play Lincoln Logs with Papa John. We're returning to normal...what is normal? I'm adding a link on this blog each week to a video clip from the Decision Point Confirmation program:
Decision Point: Life is Choices
Readings: Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
"What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Do we even take the time to ask the question. Nicodemus must have loved life and must have wanted to live in the fullness of life! The answer is given at every football game, on billboards, and as graffiti all-over: Jn 3:16. But what good are answers if we're not asking the question. I want to life life to the full. I will put the laptop down more this week to reflect on the question.
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