Monday, May 12, 2014

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Philip & Jesus, "If you see me, you see the Father."
My Companions pray with me: Let Your glory shine through us as we more fully find You in our experience of Jesus. Forgive us our sins, especially our sins of presumption so we may open all our senses to Your loving kindness. Thank You for all your gifts, especially our health and the new life of Springtime. Please shine Your loving light on those who have gone before us, especially Gloria Prymak, and for those in need of renewed health. Bless Taylor and Aaron as they begin their sacramental life together.

Birthdays: Matthew Peterson (5/15); Wedding: Taylor and Aaron Castillo (5/10/2014); In memoriam: Gloria Prymak (5/9/2014), Gerald Klaus (5/18/1987).

Keeping In-touch: We're back into the swing of things. Marge's friend, Gloria, was hospitalized with the shingles virus, deteriorated rapidly, and died on Friday morning.  We had some nice weather and it held for a limited extent for Taylor and Aaron's wedding but my tennis matches were rained-out... we have snow again. I failed to wish all the mothers "Happy Mother's Day" for yesterday but that doesn't mean I was not grateful for all the love given by our mothers who have gone before us and the mothers physically among us, especially my Bride and my Daughters.
The Readings: Fifth Sunday of Easter

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.

My comments and an invitation for your comments: Jesus' response to Philip challenges us: Have you been with me all this time and you do not know that if you see Me, you see The Father? Too often people want to see God as the powerful force that makes things right, and will be on our side, and will strike down all our enemies. "So show us that power," we ask. We don't really want to know that God gives freedom and graces all, the good and the bad. Do we see God when we walk with Jesus?

Comments, Reflections, Insights...

1 comment:

  1. Update from Dave Larson: Brielle Sorenson on our prayer list for VSD. She is now a year older. She is a happy, energetic growing child, unfortunately still with the problem with her heart. Parents and doctors are still hopefull for a long term favorable outcome.
