Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Let us praise the LORD from the depths of our pain and suffering and from the heights of our joy and fullness of life!  Let us seek forgiveness from our LORD and from our sisters and brothers who have the power to bind and loose. Let our hearts be filled with gratitude.  And let us bring our needs and brokenness to the LORD for healing: touch all who are sick, I hold up especially Marge and Wally; guide the unemployed and under-employed; help all who struggle because of political and/or weather challenges, grant us our daily bread and all we need to do Your work for Your Kingdom.

Birthday: Evan Parise (9/1). Anniversary: Mike McClanahan (d, 8/28).

Keeping In-touch: We've tried to keep cool and look forward to the cooler Fall nights ahead.  I do not have any college courses so I'm mainly working on my Emmaus tasks. Through Wednesday Marge felt well with only a bit of a diminished energy level. The hammer dropped on Thursday: no energy, back & abdominal pain and a chilled self. But she fought hard and we joined our SCC group on Friday and Saturday afternoons at the camp sites at Golden Gate Canyon State Park. The companionship and shared activities contributed to her stand! Lori Beth and Nathan joined us for the ride up and activities on Saturday: some of the best ammunition!  Sunday Marge had her hair cropped short in preparation for the inevitable loss ahead. This takes a toll on her spirit, but she looks like an enthusiastic little pixie to me.  Much of her energy has returned. Her allergies bug her a bit, but it's that time of year again.

The Readings: Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Foley's Reflections: A Love Story
My comments and an invitation for your comments: Sometimes I think that I'm pretty good at "forgiving and forgetting," but I find I tell and retell the stories of the abuse I took from an employer or a colleague.  Sure I forgive but I still sing the "he done me wrong" song!  I also avoid confrontation: "Why should I even bother with him/her?"  I guess because Jesus tells us, "He/she is your neighbor!"  It's an awesome power we have to love and to loose and bind.  Only if we accept the awesome love of the Father can we really follow Jesus and give forgiveness. Then we can pray from our hearts, "... forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."

Let us open ourselves to the LORD's love and forgiveness and love and forgive others.


Comments, Reflections, Insights...

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