Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!  Let us faithfully open ourselves to the Glory of the LORD.  Let us come to peace in our failings and know of the LORD's wonderful mercy and offer of the fullness of life.  Let us thank the Lord for all our gifts: especially our health and our participation in Love.  Thank You for the new members of the Ross Clan: Coraline and Max. Thank You for the fruit of the land and for opportunities to learn and grow.  Please give us our daily bread, both food and companionship. Help us live with an "active compassion" with those in need.

Birthdays: Margie (Czarnecki-Norton) Pintek (8/16), Katie (Lay) Johnson (8/19); Anniversary: Mark & Vicki Schnitzer (8/20).

Keeping In-touch: Marge had her port put in and is quite sore in that area.  She had a heart scan; an experience she described as "like Star-Wars."  And we're preparing for our first dose of Chemotherapy on Friday; actually we're escaping to the mountains for a couple days (curtesy of Kim Dixon) before we begin the process. I've been in-touch with a religious education professional in Hawaii and expect we will do some work there when we travel.  And Megan has found a contact for me in Des Moines. Charlie started kindergarten yesterday and Julianne began the second grade. Nathan visited on Sunday (papa let him drench himself playing in water and gave him a sucker... don't tell his Mama).  There is so much love and life surrounding us!!

Extra: a meditation, watch to the end

The Readings: Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Foley's Reflections: A Saving Faith

My comments and an invitation for your comments: And who do you say Jesus is?  Our answer probably says more about us than it does about Jesus!  What kind of Messiah do you seek?  Sometimes I just want to win the lottery or have the perfect employment with no worries and many amenities.  Rarely, if ever, do I want to hang on a tree with nails in my hands and feet. I would like someone to take away Marge's pain...  but Jesus is the Messiah who showed us to pass through the pain with love: that's who we say Jesus is.

Find comfort in your trials and experience the Love of the LORD!


Comments, Reflections, Insights...

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