Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Sunday: Solemnity of the Resurrection of The Lord

Supper at Emmaus, Caravaggio

My Companions: Glory, Glory, Glory Lord for you are all life in the heavens and on the earth!  Forgive us our failures to serve and to find You in all things.  Thank You for all Your blessings.  And please give us all we need: especially the courage to pass through sufferings and expect Your power to restore us to full life.

Birthdays: Donna Van Dusen (4/21), Kevin Norton (4/22); Anniversaries: Fr. Michael Carvill (4/22), Ed & Betty Lay would have celebrated 64 yrs (4/23).

Keeping In-touch: I completed my taxes with an hour and a half to spare, then crashed with an illness that took me for a day or so.  We received some very needed rain and prepared the soil for Marge's garden between storms.  The blossoms delight our sense of sight and smell and the waking flowers decorate our yard.  Marge is under the weather but we will experience great joy at our celebration of Easter, visiting with family and friends.  Please have a most wonderful Easter and live the Resurrection we will celebrate.

Fr. Foley's reflections: Dawn
  my reflection: I don't want to suffer or die but I have come to know that passing through little sufferings brings me to little "resurrections" and I expect to experience life now and the fullness of life in days to come.  I'm overwhelmed by Mystery and have experienced the Resurrected Jesus through my companions and the concrete events of Sacrament.  I can't "prove" this Great Love, but I experience it... even in moments of anxiety and suffering.  What an awesome responsibility we have: to allow The Lover, The Love, and The Beloved to become incarnate in us!!  We are a Resurrection People.

May the Peace of Christ be with all of you,


Contribute to our prayer, leave a comment with your insights.

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