Monday, February 1, 2010

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Let us continue to pray for relief for the poor people of Haiti. Please remember those in "our network" who are sick: especially Pat O'Donnell, Madelaine Lumpp, Donna Farrell (esp. Feb 2nd, tomorrow), Nancy Fitzgibbons and Helen Luckett (Ed's Mother). Please pray with me, in thanksgiving, for the gracious reception I received from Deacon John Freund, my cousin Jim Lay and Fr James Dixon, on my travels to Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiania.  I also ask the Lord's blessing on Msgr. Bob Amundsen who sees our vision and supports us. Continue to pray for Dan (Karen Norton's friend) and guide the doctors to find a cure for him.  Help all who suffer from depression.

Birthdays: Ed Lay (my Pa) 1/27, Mary Ellen (Lay) Olson 1/29, Colleen Weed 1/30, Mike DePreist 2/1, and Ed Luckett 2/2.

Keeping-in-touch: I have missed two weeks of encouraging us to prepare for the liturgy but I had a wonderful time visiting my Pa on his 85th birthday!  We had wonderful celebrations with my sibblings and Pa supported me as I took my The Emmaus Institute "dog & pony show" through Chicago-land.  I enjoyed the tennis "down under" and even played a few sets...(at home/not Lombard!!).

The Readings Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Comments on the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Fr. Foley: “What is your attitude toward worthiness?"
My Comments: I wonder how I'm call to be "a fisher of persons."  I so appreciate the example of my Pa who served at "the Pantry" and at "the ol' folks home."  I know I am not worthy, but I pray the Lord's light will shine through me.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.

1 comment:

  1. I received the following from my friend (and one of our "companions-in-prayer), Dave Larson:


    Unfortunately I have a request for your prayer list. Yesterday we received word that my Mom (Elnora) has cancer in her spine. She has become essentially paralyzed from the stomach down. They are planning to do surgery on Friday morning to clean the cancer out of her spine. As you might guess, it is a very delicate operation. The prognosis is that they probably will not be able to cure the cancer, but may be able to improve the quality of her life for hopefully a few more months and maybe a few more years.



    Please keep Elnora and all Dave's family in your prayer. May the Lord's glory be shown through our prayer, the work of Elnora's doctors and Elnora's life as a member of the Body of Christ.

