My Companions: We should praise Our God for all the gifts God has given us! What a wonderful creation God has set before us. And I have received good news from some of my companions: Audrey is doing well and we’ll continue to pray for a healthy baby; Sharon wrote that Kari “… is doing well.. getting preventative treatment, but technically right now she is 'cancer free'”; and Mike told me his brother, Jim, is recovering from his heart procedure. Let us listen as God tries to speak through our hearts (I added the reference to Centering Prayer for this week)
Birthdays this week: Maggie Lay (younger) 8/2,Gary Carnegie 8/7
Keeping-in-touch: We had a wonderful week: we returned to our swing of things, our SCC camping was “wet and wild,” and we attended the beautiful installation of Fr. Eustace at Ignatius Loyola Parish.
Birthdays this week: Maggie Lay (younger) 8/2,Gary Carnegie 8/7
Keeping-in-touch: We had a wonderful week: we returned to our swing of things, our SCC camping was “wet and wild,” and we attended the beautiful installation of Fr. Eustace at Ignatius Loyola Parish.
The Readings:
Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley: “God pursues us quietly, gently. How can we partake? Receiving Communion is a central way.”
My Comments: I have so little about which to complain, yet I find myself murmuring over little aches and pains. And I remember my “Elijah experience” many years ago… that dangerous memory has led me to a wonderful life filled with every good thing and loving & compassionate companions. Lord, help me to rejoice in the life You have given me as well as the fullness of Life that you promise. Help me bring “good news” to others and move on to what You have in store for me.
Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley: “God pursues us quietly, gently. How can we partake? Receiving Communion is a central way.”
My Comments: I have so little about which to complain, yet I find myself murmuring over little aches and pains. And I remember my “Elijah experience” many years ago… that dangerous memory has led me to a wonderful life filled with every good thing and loving & compassionate companions. Lord, help me to rejoice in the life You have given me as well as the fullness of Life that you promise. Help me bring “good news” to others and move on to what You have in store for me.
Last night Sharon McKay let me know that her sister, Julie, was diagnosed with breast cancer. I have added her name to our list, please pray for Julie, her doctors and all in her care.