Sunday, July 28, 2013

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions pray with me: LORD, help me to be mindful of what captures my time and my treasure. It is all nothing compared to the love you have for Your people. I give You all my concern and worry; with my focus on Your love, I will live fully today and not be called "you fool" at my death.

Birthdays: Birthdays: Ted McMurdo (7/29), Karen (Norton) Graveland (8/1), Maggie (Wdowiarz) Lay (8/2).

Keeping In-touch: I celebrated an ol' man's birthday (brother Larry: sixty years, and surprised) and visited my dad and family. Bill & Gloria took us with their family to a Rockies Game...we had a suite time... and the Rockies even won the game. Today, we listen and watch the rain as we enjoy a weekend at home! (a good time not to camp with family or friends). And we look forward to attending Tim Weed's profession to Holy Cross Fathers next weekend in Colorado Springs. The time with family will bring us joy.
The Readings: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:  I worry these days about our future years: should we move to a smaller place? Can we make ends meet until pay-off the house? Will taxes, insurance, drugs and medical care overwhelm us? So I take note at the Good News for Sunday: none of this matters; live each day, you may be dead tomorrow... anyway, The Lord's love brings all life.


Comments, Reflections, Insights...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

I'm doing a new thing

I have not kept this "Companions-in-Prayer" Blog and have been working on another effort to pray and encourage others to share the Gospel and to encourage people to prepare for the Sunday Liturgy and to share the Gospel with one another.

Please take a look at the page from The Emmaus Institute Website and check-out this example from last quarter:
Each week has a picture, a link to the readings, a link to further reflections on the readings, a video (not connected to the readings) and a discussion space for the 4 - 8 people that choose to connect with one another.
Each quarter of the year we begin a new.
I provide a new section each week for the groups.
And this is all free for small groups (families, small church communities,...)
Let me know what you think.
Host your own group.

Many blessings to all,