Friday, September 9, 2011

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Let us love the Lord from whom all good things flow! May we experience the LORD's loving compassion and forgive all who harm us by commission or ommission: forgive us our trespasses... Let us walk with hearts filled with gratitude and turn to and trust in the LORD that we will have all we need: please LORD bless the sick, the poor and the forlorn, shine your loving grace on all your creation.

Birthdays: Joseph Forseman (9/3), Mike Pintek (9/7), MaryKate Weed (9/13), Taylor Smith (9/13), Margaret Lay (9/19).  Anniversaries: Julie & Jason Schnitzer (9/5), Lori Beth & Tony Gulmantovicz (9/7), Gary & Joan (9/8), Jim & Evelyn Green (9/16), Willalee Haris (d. 9/19).

Keeping In-touch: Maybe it was the holiday, but this week passed me bye! We had a wonderful tennis-social on Monday and there is a touch of Fall in the air.  Marge lost her hair over the weekend; that took a lot of energy.  She feels well and has the most energy since we began this battle. Today, Friday, we go for Marge's second infusion.  We saw a great volleyball game with our star player, Lindsey Ross, on Tuesday evening.  And my friend, Craig McBride, gave me my first Linux lesson: an ol' dog is attempting to learn "LAMPP" tricks!!

The Readings: Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Foley's Reflections: Breaking the Chain
My comments and an invitation for your comments: I've thought a lot this week about how forgiving heals the forgiver.  Often I had made comments about how carrying a grudge only hurts the one hauling the load.  But this week I experienced more the power of turning this to a positive: forgiving heals the forgiver.  Also, in my tenth "week" of Spiritual Exercises I have imagined the invitation of Jesus to join him in his mission to love like one who is approached by a missionary to return with them to the Mission.  There is great power in a personal invitation to join another in a mission to love others!

An extra link on forgiveness

Let us watch for the lover who may approach us this week to join in a mission of love or to forgive a hurt in our lives.


Comments, Reflections, Insights...