Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: Please pray with me for my Aunt Agnes Klaus (Dad's Sister) who went to her eternal reward yesterday, Monday, and for all who have gone before us in the sign of faith.  And let us pray prayers of thanksgiving and praise for Dan's progress, Steve's healing and the clean bill of health for Julie McKay.  As we're reminded in the Gospel for this weekend, we do not know what tomorrow will bring so we should reflect on the "treasure" we store: Lord, all we need is Your love.

Birthdays: Cameron Ross (7/26), Marie Friedemann (7/28), Ted McMurdo (7/29), Karen (Norton) Gravelyn (8/1). 

Keeping in-touch: Except for the Rockies forgetting how to win baseball games, we have been enjoying "the dog days of summer."  Matt's traveling and visiting family and friends and we're kept busy with friends: another trip to the mountains and the Dixons (Kim, Amanda & Matthew) stopped in for a short visit.

The ReadingsEighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley, Could God say, “You fool” to us? Are we hoarding what we have, even if we are poor? Are we being children of God or children of mammon?
My comments: I was reminded about the vanity of "stuff" as I watched the film clip of my friend's house burn to the ground.  Sure, he had insurance; sure, the "stuff" will be replaced... but it makes you think of what really matters!

May the peace of Christ be with each of you,


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Companions: We continue to pray for Dan, that the bone marrow transplant takes and he can avoid infection.  Karen gives us updates and they're fighting a good fight.  Also, my Nephew, Steve Lay, broke his leg and had to have surgery.  Help him heal quickly and fully so he can attend the police academy. Let's pray for Dad's friend, Lou Hall who died last Friday and for all our loved ones who have gone before us.

Birthdays: Larry Lay (7/14). Anniversaries: Birdene DeBoar (7/12 d. '07), Megan & Cullen Stevens (7/14).

Keeping in-touch: Marge and I snuck-away again to RMNP and camped Thursday evening.  We climbed to Emerald Lake and were reminded of achy old joints and extra pounds!!  We met new people and enjoyed the wonderful beauty of the Park.  And it was a good break from the 90s and 100s temps.  Matt had some visitors and we have many thanks to Mark Ross for fixing the electrical problem of one Sarah's car.

The Readings: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley, "Real hospitality means a two-way relationship in which host and guest open to each other and become present to one another in various ways."
My comments: I hope we can all welcome everyone we encounter and appreciate the gifts and ministries we each provide.

May the peace of Christ be with each of you,


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Companions: Let us pray for our neighbors, the people we encounter in our travels: our friends and relatives and all who cross our path.  So I'm thinking now of the husband of my niece, Dan; the bikers of Cycling for Change; and everyone who touches my life.  Lord, help us to care for those we encounter and apply the serenity prayer to: accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

Birthdays: Fr. Ed Poehlmann (7/4), Danielle Lay (7/7), Dave Larson (7/9), Kathleen Angel (7/10), Katie (Norton) Frodl (7/10), Ryan Beck (7/11),  Anniversary: John & Maggie Lay (7/11 -- 1st Anniversary)

Keeping-in-touch: While friends and family bake in the eastern part of the country, we have enjoyed rainy days and wonderful 9th innings of baseball!!  Our participation in the Cycling for Change Events in Denver provided experiences we will remember for many days.  We're celebrating Matthew's opportunity to teach and coach at the high school he attended, Broomfield High School.  And we're bemoaning the quick passing of summer: it's already All Star Week so the summer's half over.

The Readings: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Comments on the readings: Fr. Foley: "This is not too mysterious or remote. Start now. Become what you were made to be. It is written within you."
My Comments: I have no great insights other than "the law is written on our hearts" and "our neighbor is the person we encounter."

May the peace of Christ be with each of you.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Special Prayer Request for Dan

Dear Companions-in-Prayer,
Below please find a special prayer request from Uncle Pat
Thank you for your prayers,

John, I am forwarding the last 2 updates Karen sent out. Maybe you have already seen them. I can't remember who I've sent them to.
What neither of the updates mention is that Friday they told Karen and Dan that he has only about a 10% chance of surviving the chemo he will be getting over the next few days. Maybe you could send out an emergency prayer request on your blog.